View Full Version : Dalbergia Sissoo

Kathy Marshall
11-01-2010, 2:02 AM
Anyone have any experience turning dalbergia sissoo, common name is indian rosewood? I got a couple pieces from a fellow turner who had just had it cut down in his yard. The pieces are approx 10-12" in diameter. The sapwood is light the heartwood is brown but is tiny (maybe 1" in diam) (maybe its just the pith that is dark and heartwood lightens up?). It seems to be a chameleon, I've seen lots of color changes. the cut ends, after sitting awhile get pinkish splotches, fresh cuts are uniformly light, while turning it little bits of color come and go as it dries and some grain finally starts to show the drier it gets.
I roughed out a hollow form today (sorry no pics, was getting late I was tired and I needed to get it into a dna bath) and am curious on what I might expect.
Apparently this is a very messy and invasive species and since it has been planted heavily in AZ over the last 10 years of so, I expect it will become readily available as more and more homeowners have them taken out.

charlie knighton
11-01-2010, 3:54 AM
i do not have any experience with it, but take plenty of care with dust prevention with any rosewood

Norm Zax
11-01-2010, 8:22 AM
Turns beautifully. Somewhat hard. Great contrast between light and dark wood.

Richard Madden
11-01-2010, 11:22 AM
East India Rosewood, which were some store bought blanks is the closest I've turned, more than likely not the same. Do be aware of any reaction to this and any other Dalbergias. I have been lucky in that no reactions have occured, but some people develope skin and/or respertory problems with Dalbergias.

Barry Elder
11-01-2010, 11:25 AM
East Indian Rosewood grows like a weed in Florida. With enough heartwood to provide contrast can make some very striking endgrain turnings. Turns and finishes easily. Wear a respirator!

Barry Richardson
11-01-2010, 12:30 PM
I hear it turns well. Someone gave me a smaller trunk, the heart wood was very small like you said. The trees must need to get really large to develop a substantial heartwood, which is what is marketed. I never ended up turning mine cause it just didn't look that promising,... then it cracked all to heck...

David DeCristoforo
11-01-2010, 12:34 PM
Not to be confused with Dalbergia latifolia, the "genuine" East Indian rosewood which has the most amazing deep purple overtone streaked with blacks and sometimes, greens and reds. This wood turns very well and will take a high polish.

Jason Clark2
11-01-2010, 1:37 PM
I turn a fair amount of Sissoo, it's one of my favorite woods to turn. It does tend to have a lot of sapwood but I haven't seen anything near what you're describing with just 1" of heartwood in a 10-12" diameter log.

I've attached a few photos of some pieces I finished earlier this year.


Jim Underwood
11-01-2010, 4:44 PM

Thass some purdy stuff. I bet it makes great boxes...

Jim Burr
11-01-2010, 6:44 PM
Jason...I'll take it!!! How much and when!!!? That is the stuff I look for and get embarrassed over...yo know..drool and the like:o:D:D

Chris Stolicky
11-01-2010, 7:39 PM
I believe this is East Indian Rosewood.

Sorry the last pic is washed out. It does show the little bit of the burl though.

By the way, no finish. Just buffed.

Kathy Marshall
11-02-2010, 3:05 AM
I turn a fair amount of Sissoo, it's one of my favorite woods to turn. It does tend to have a lot of sapwood but I haven't seen anything near what you're describing with just 1" of heartwood in a 10-12" diameter log.

I've attached a few photos of some pieces I finished earlier this year.

WOW! Now that is what I was hoping sissoo would look like! I'm guessing the age of the tree plays a big part in the amount of heartwood. I was told the tree that was cut down was only 6-7 years old but grew like a weed.
I'll have to get a few picks of the pieces I have left so you can see the difference. If the one I'm working on stays all light, then I think it would make a good practice piece for some type of embellishment.

David Woodruff
11-03-2010, 1:45 PM
Turns like most of the other specie in genus Dalbergia particularly the Rosewoods and Cocobolos,but not African Blackwood.

Kathy Marshall
11-06-2010, 2:36 AM
I turn a fair amount of Sissoo, it's one of my favorite woods to turn. It does tend to have a lot of sapwood but I haven't seen anything near what you're describing with just 1" of heartwood in a 10-12" diameter log.

I've attached a few photos of some pieces I finished earlier this year.


Finally got home before dark so I could take a pick of one of the sissoo logs. This is the smaller one, but you can see there's very little heartwood.