View Full Version : The stump is down

Ted Evans
10-31-2010, 9:43 PM
Back in Apr this year, I posted this picture of a maple stump that I asked if it was worth the effort of harvesting it.


Well, with the extremely hot weather and some medical problems, it took a while to complete the task, but here is what it looks like now. The two saws, one a 30” bar and the other an 18”, span the trunk.


It would have been nice to cut it down in one chunk and then cut it up into the best pieces but was not possible for me to do with the saws that I have. If I was only 20 years younger I would go back with a pick and shovel and dig out the roots. Some gorgeous wood left just sitting there.:(

This is the last load. :D:D


David DeCristoforo
10-31-2010, 9:50 PM
That looks like some awesome figured maple. Nice score!

James Combs
10-31-2010, 9:52 PM
Great haul Ted. It will be interesting to see what all is hidden inside.

charlie knighton
10-31-2010, 10:09 PM
very nice, great wood

Baxter Smith
10-31-2010, 10:20 PM
Looks like some great wood!

alex carey
11-01-2010, 2:41 AM
wish I lived near you!!!! I am 20 with a back that yearns to pickup a shovel and dig out some burl.

John Keeton
11-01-2010, 7:21 AM
Ted, that is some really nice looking wood!! Well worth the effort, and you are right, what is underground is actually the good stuff! Know anyone with a backhoe and a pressure washer?

Steve Schlumpf
11-01-2010, 8:32 AM
Congrats on completing what had to be a heck of a big job! Bet you are sore today!

Beautiful wood and well worth the effort! Looking forward to seeing what you turn out of it!

Ted Evans
11-01-2010, 9:44 PM
Thanks to all for your responses.

Alex, don’t you need to make a business trip this way, Tennessee is a great place to visit this time of year.:D

John K., I have a pressure washer but not the resources to hire a backhoe, sure would be nice.:(

Steve, thanks, and yep, there were a number of sore days. I have noticed the last few years that I do not recuperate as quickly as I once did, cannot understand it.:mad:

It was a challenge, so there are times when it helps to be stubborn, I just could not let it beat me.;)

Chris Haas
11-01-2010, 10:35 PM
i broke a sweat just thinking of all the work you did.