View Full Version : applications

Gary Simmons
10-31-2010, 8:43 PM
Ok.. I here is one. Ive used friction polish, EEE, BOL, Sanding sealer, BOL, Laquer, etc... however i dont have a good handle on what should go with what, and when to apply each...

For this question Im thinking more for pens, bottle stoppers and small turnings.

Is there any good direction on when to use which application? thanks

Michael James
10-31-2010, 9:12 PM
I don't know what BOL is but the EEE would go after the sanding sealer and perhaps the lacqer too. Because it has wax I would hesitate to put it on unsealed wood. my .02

David E Keller
10-31-2010, 9:13 PM
I use BLO as a first coat when I use BLO at all. After the BLO(or as a first coat in the absence of BLO), I use dewaxed shellac. I generally follow that with wipe-on poly lately. When in doubt, shellac makes for a good transition from one finish to another... It's a decent finish by itself too.

For pens, I use BLO followed by a coat of thin CA. I usually put 3 or 4 coats of medium CA on next. Wet sand to 800 then buff with white diamond.

That's what been working for me... YMMV.

Bernie Weishapl
10-31-2010, 9:43 PM
On pens, key chain toothpick holders, and pill holders I quit using BLO and now use strictly CA about 4 coats. On utility items I use Mahoney's walnut oil. On I guess you would say art items I use either lacquer, poly or Antique oil.

Gary Simmons
11-03-2010, 9:32 PM
Regarding the use of CA on pens... is that the most durable finish, withstanding the daily use of a pen?

Jim Burr
11-04-2010, 12:26 AM
Small stuff that gets a lot of hand use almost requires CA for durability. Wax based finishes can not hold up to daily use

David E Keller
11-04-2010, 8:40 AM
Regarding the use of CA on pens... is that the most durable finish, withstanding the daily use of a pen?

It's the most durable finish I've tried. It takes a little practice to get a method that give reliable results, but I've found to be worth the effort.

wes murphy
11-04-2010, 10:32 AM
Regarding the CA finish, whast speed doo you apply the glue. Ive just started playing around with this finish and so far do not like the results.

Gary Simmons
11-08-2010, 7:33 AM
I usually am around 1800 rpm although many suggest going alot slower 7-800 rpms...

James Combs
11-08-2010, 7:39 AM
Regarding the CA finish, whast speed doo you apply the glue. Ive just started playing around with this finish and so far do not like the results.

I apply CA at the lowest speed possible but after it is dry (or is it cured) and I am polishing (if needed) I jack the speed up to as high as 2K.