View Full Version : Alan Peter's handle for shooting board plane

Staffan Hamala
10-30-2010, 4:12 PM
I watched Rob Cosman's Alan Peters Approach, where Peters used a handle that he'd made. The handle fit over the side of a (no 5?) plane that he used with a shooting board.

I'm interested in making one myself, to make the plane more comfortable to hold when it's lying on its side.

It fit perfectly on the rounded side of a Bailey style plane. It was not permanently mounted on the plane, he just slid it on when he needed it.
It looked so comfortable compared to just holding the metal of the plane.

Has anyone made one like his?

Shawn P. Smith
10-31-2010, 2:27 PM
Staffan, Lie Nielson offers a "hot dog" handle for their Low Angle Jack Plane. You can see a picture of it on their web site in the block plane section.

I viewed a website that was recommended in another post and I noticed he has instructions for making a "hot dog" handle, so you might check it out: www.inthewoodshop.com

Good luck.

Staffan Hamala
10-31-2010, 3:22 PM
Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for. And that website has a lot of other interesting projects as well. :-)

Shawn P. Smith
10-31-2010, 10:11 PM
I'm glad it was helpful. Have fun making it!