View Full Version : John Keeton

Bernie Weishapl
10-30-2010, 1:37 PM
Well what do you know. I got my woodturning design magazine today and who other is featured in it than our own John Keeton.

John congrats on the honor. It is well deserved with some beautiful pieces. Well done sir.

Dennis Peacock
10-30-2010, 1:47 PM
Congrats to ya John..!!!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool:

Jon Lanier
10-30-2010, 3:43 PM
Went to go look at it online. They've not updated their website yet.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-30-2010, 3:50 PM
Congratulations John!

Steve Vaughan
10-30-2010, 4:19 PM
Very cool, congratulations to you John!

Jack Mincey
10-30-2010, 4:46 PM
Way to go John. I can't wait to get my issue.

gary Zimmel
10-30-2010, 4:49 PM
Very well deserving... Congrats John.

Michael James
10-30-2010, 5:01 PM
JK Strikes again! Keeton could be garnering 23 mins of fame, instead of the 15mins we the little people get!:cool:
Way to go!!!!

Jim Burr
10-30-2010, 5:02 PM
Well deserved Mr Keeton!!

Greg Just
10-30-2010, 5:03 PM
Good job Mr. Keeton - I have not received my copy yet.

Roger Chandler
10-30-2010, 5:11 PM
I wonder if John would do a book [magazine] signing if we all sent him our copy, with return postage paid? :D;):cool:

Might increase the value of the issue and make it a "collectors addition!"

Richard Madden
10-30-2010, 5:15 PM
Congratulations, John.

Scott Hackler
10-30-2010, 6:06 PM
Way to go John! Now if they would just sending me my subscription......

David DeCristoforo
10-30-2010, 6:35 PM
I don't get this mag so I'm waiting for them to update their web site. Since this is the Winter 2011 edition, they may figure they have a bit of time left for that...?? Anyway, JK more than deserves whatever "kudos" come his way.

charlie knighton
10-30-2010, 7:23 PM
congratulations, John

Ted Evans
10-30-2010, 7:27 PM
Way to go John! No one could be more deserving.;)

Sid Matheny
10-30-2010, 8:01 PM
Got mine today and sure enough there was John. Great write up John!


John Keeton
10-30-2010, 8:08 PM
Thanks, guys.:o:o:o I really appreciate all the kind words, but more than that, the great friendships that I have formed here on the creek. It is home!
I wonder if John would do a book [magazine] signing if we all sent him our copy, with return postage paid? :D;):cool:

Might increase the value of the issue and make it a "collectors addition!"Roger, I sign my name dozens of times a day, and other than the checks I write, I don't think it has added one dime of value to anything!;) On the other hand, I sure have left a trail of people mad over the years!:confused:

Pete Jordan
10-30-2010, 8:19 PM
Awesome John!

Jim Meyer
10-30-2010, 8:24 PM
John, I also just got my copy of Woodturning Design and I agree it was a nice article and nice turnings. CONGRATULATIONS. Jim

Doug W Swanson
10-30-2010, 8:32 PM
Way to go John....

Well deserved!

Leo Van Der Loo
10-30-2010, 8:50 PM
You do make nice work John, and you're an OK guy I think :D, we are all better off for having you here on SMC, thanks :), and of course congratulations for getting the acknowledgement you do deserve :cool:, have fun and take care

Alan Trout
10-30-2010, 11:01 PM
Congratulations John, Very nice honor that you deserve.


Michael James
10-30-2010, 11:26 PM
Roger, I sign my name dozens of times a day, ........I sure have left a trail of people mad over the years!:confused:

John, would you like me to post the psychological profile of a successful attorney? :cool:

Steve Schlumpf
10-31-2010, 12:07 AM
John - a BIG congrats on the article! I'm still searching up here for the magazine! I'm hoping to find a copy soon!

John Keeton
10-31-2010, 7:29 AM
John, would you like me to post the psychological profile of a successful attorney? :cool:Michael, some things just do not need to be discussed openly!!!:D:D;) Among the more kind remarks that have been made about me (the ones that didn't involve profuse profanity or death threats!) include -

"Were you acutally born without a heart?"
"Just how much would it take for you to sue your own Mom?"
"I have owned pit bulls with more compassion!"

Fortunately, at least in my warped mind, I live a dichotomy. Outside my vocation, I am reclusive and avoid conflict. Come to think of it - maybe I am schizophrenic?!?!?:confused:

Perhaps woodturning will give me a more "rounded" personality!:rolleyes:

Ken Hill
10-31-2010, 7:55 AM
Well deserved Mr Keeton!!

+ 100,000,000

Way to go John!:D

Tony De Masi
10-31-2010, 8:12 AM
congrats John.

George Guadiane
10-31-2010, 8:37 AM
Well deserved congratulations John...
I'll have to see if I can find the magazine somewhere.

Michael James
10-31-2010, 10:49 AM
Michael, some things just do not need to be discussed openly!!!:D:D;) Among the more kind remarks that have been made about me (the ones that didn't involve profuse profanity or death threats!) include -

"Were you acutally born without a heart?"
"Just how much would it take for you to sue your own Mom?"
"I have owned pit bulls with more compassion!"

Fortunately, at least in my warped mind, I live a dichotomy. Outside my vocation, I am reclusive and avoid conflict. Come to think of it - maybe I am schizophrenic?!?!?:confused:

Perhaps woodturning will give me a more "rounded" personality!:rolleyes:

I apologize John, you are correct - this is a private matter and not taken into the greater context might lead one to an erroneous conclusion. I prefer the Clark Kent/Superman model: You put on the uniform and do what you need to do to protect those you are to protect, and go back to what you were doing on your time when the uniform comes off. Sort of like the military, eh?
I know that you do very meaningful work and it is difficult (from previous conversations) and sometimes it requires taking an unpopular stand and emtions can fly. Not everyone can do that! I totally understand the contrast wood working/turning provides for you....!:)

David Warkentin
10-31-2010, 3:43 PM
I was in Highland Woodworking store in Atlanta yesterday looking at that magazine. Wasn't sure I was going to buy it until I saw the words on that page-John Keeton- and I bought it! And to think he's only been turning how long? David

David DeCristoforo
10-31-2010, 4:27 PM
Michael, some things just do not need to be discussed openly!!!:D:D;) Among the more kind remarks that have been made about me (the ones that didn't involve profuse profanity or death threats!) include -

"Were you acutally born without a heart?"
"Just how much would it take for you to sue your own Mom?"
"I have owned pit bulls with more compassion!"

Fortunately, at least in my warped mind, I live a dichotomy. Outside my vocation, I am reclusive and avoid conflict. Come to think of it - maybe I am schizophrenic?!?!?:confused:

Perhaps woodturning will give me a more "rounded" personality!:rolleyes:

Lawyers get a bum rap. Like cops and armies. No one wants them around until they need them. Of course by then it's usually too late!

Baxter Smith
10-31-2010, 10:46 PM
Congratulations John. A well deserved honor!

Rob Cunningham
11-01-2010, 12:55 PM
Congratulations John, a well deserved honor.

Roger Chandler
11-01-2010, 1:10 PM
I went to the local Barnes & Noble to get a copy this morning and they did not even have Woodturning Design in stock........I asked the manager, and he said it is not even listed in their, inventory anymore.

I then went to Books-A-Million, and they had the fall issue, but not the winter issue. I came home and ordered a subscription, but they said they could not guarantee that my subscription would start with the winter edition, so I still may have to go back to Books-A-Million when they get their new magazines this week.

I should have been subscribing for at least a year........but who knew that one of our creeker mods would be featured?

Bill Bolen
11-03-2010, 11:41 AM
Well my copy just arrived last night. I think my mailman reads it first! What a nice write up John and a fine selection of your work. I must say that the turners board has become more interesting since you slid down from up top! Congrats on being the subject of and excellent article and it is nice to know you a wee bit better...Bill...

John Keeton
11-03-2010, 11:54 AM
You folks are way too gracious!:o Thanks for the many kind comments, and David D., thanks for the defense posture on lawyers!!;) I don't hear many of those comments.

Vince Welch
11-03-2010, 11:23 PM
Nice way to shine John!!!


Cathy Schaewe
11-04-2010, 10:31 AM
David D., thanks for the defense posture on lawyers!!;) I don't hear many of those comments.

Tell me about it!:rolleyes:

I also started a subscription to the magazine when I heard that JK was featured, but I'm afraid the first issue will be the one after he's featured. Oh well, I'll track it down ...

The recognition is appropriate, but I'm sure it's only the first of many more to come! :)

Jeff Hamilton Jr.
11-06-2010, 9:51 AM
Great job counsellor! Just received my issue today and there you were with AWESOME work.

Hey . . . I just bought a Delta Midi. I'm assuming that type of work just flows from the machine? :D

John Keeton
11-06-2010, 10:32 AM
Vince and Cathy, thanks for the comments, and Cathy, let me know if you can't find an issue. They sent me a couple of extras, and I have one left that I can share with you!
Great job counsellor! Just received my issue today and there you were with AWESOME work.

Hey . . . I just bought a Delta Midi. I'm assuming that type of work just flows from the machine? :DJeff, you will love that lathe, and I have found it will do anything that I ask of it. Swing capacity is limited, but that is about it. With the stuff I do, the 12.5" is plenty. Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for the kind words!

Greg Just
11-06-2010, 11:58 AM
Congrats John - nice article. This is a well done magazine.

For those of you looking for the magazine, the Barnes and Nobles around here carry it.

Faust M. Ruggiero
11-06-2010, 12:15 PM
Since Woodturning Design magazine has good enough taste to feature the "Counselors" turnings, I decided to subscribe. Unfortunately, the first issue won't arrive for 10 to 12 weeks. I will mosey off to Borders and look for a recent copy on the shelf. Good going, John.

Roger Chandler
11-12-2010, 4:06 PM
They finally got my copy of the Woodturning Design magazine in, and everyone is correct on their congratulations to John Keeton.............

Nice write up on you John, and those art pieces do show off your talent. Hard to believe you have come so far so fast.........turning design and skills, works in an art gallery, having your own website, and in a national publication that is one of the standard bearers of our craft.

Quite a list of accomplishments! Stay humble and grateful, and who knows where this might end up! ;):D:cool:

Christopher K. Hartley
11-12-2010, 4:35 PM
You da Man John...Congrats.:)

John Keeton
11-12-2010, 7:33 PM
Roger, glad you finally got one - now you will have some extra toilet paper on hand!!!:D Don't worry about the humility - God takes care of that one. And, I am eternally greatful for all I have, so got that one covered as well. I am just passing through, having a good time on my way.

And, the website listed in the article is the collaboration with Keith Burns and others. I am no longer a part of that group, but hope to have my own website up and running by next week - for whatever that may be worth.:confused:

Thanks, Chris!