View Full Version : Not sure how to do this??

Joe Kace
10-30-2010, 5:57 AM
Hello Everyone

I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to take a shape with holes that I make, and make it 1/16th larger all around the original without the holes losing their place. I am using Corel x14 if this helps. Here is the parts I am trying to enlarge. Any help with steps on doing this would be GREATLY appreciated.


Frank Corker
10-30-2010, 8:21 AM
Joe I have only done this on one file because it applies to both the same. This is a simple way to increase your individual items and it will explain how to increase just the outer casing without shifting the holes as well as increasing the holes and the outer casing without shifting location. Hope it helps you.

Joe Kace
10-30-2010, 8:36 AM
Thanks Frank. I was doing that it just didn't seem right. I had to zoom in really close to see the effect. It looked like the holes were moving but I guess not. Thanks for the help and also nice sketches with the box, really awesome work.


Frank Corker
10-30-2010, 8:37 AM
Joe, the holes will move if you keep them all grouped together. They will move from the centre out by 1/16" the trick is to ungroup before you resize.

Joe Kace
10-30-2010, 8:44 AM
Your right, that is the part I was missing. I just went and cut out 2 sets and they were perfect. I was forgetting to ungroup all first. Duh!