View Full Version : Small Turnings

Bernie Weishapl
10-28-2010, 1:05 PM
Well have gotten some turning time between the travels. I have some orders for Christmas so figured I needed to get started. I made a half dozen pill holders and 12 toothpick holders. All are wood except 4 which they wanted a blue for KU and purple for KSU. Woods range from bocote, osage orange, redheart, bubinga, walnut, cherry, etc. Finish is frictioned on brushing lacquer. Worked really well.

Roger Chandler
10-28-2010, 1:09 PM
Good stuff Bernie.........I like the different woods, etc..........they will make some nice gifts!

Bill Bolen
10-28-2010, 1:15 PM
Cool pieces Bernie! Looks to me like you may have to go back to work to get a rest! You are wayyyyy too busy in your retirement!...Bill...

Michael James
10-28-2010, 1:17 PM
Bernie, those all look nice, and like fun little projects! What have you got in pill boxes for the AARP eligible?:eek:

Alan Zenreich
10-28-2010, 4:23 PM


Just remember that there are no small turnings, just small turners. <vbg>

David E Keller
10-28-2010, 4:54 PM
I've never done either of those kits, but I'll bet they're good sellers. Nicely done.

John Keeton
10-28-2010, 5:09 PM
Bernie, we need to just face the fact that you simply don't have time for any more traveling!!!;) Since this retirement thing, you have lost all sense of priority - the very thought of putting family and recreation ahead of woodturning - what is this world coming to?!?!:D

Nice work, and I really like these. What did you use to friction on the lacquer - cloth? Paper shop towel? Did you use a lubricant? I have used BLO with shellac, but have never tried anything with lacquer.

Leo Van Der Loo
10-28-2010, 8:35 PM
Good looking pieces Bernie :cool:, but it looks toooo much like work to me :eek:
Not something I'm interested in doing :rolleyes:

Working that is :rolleyes: :D

Baxter Smith
10-28-2010, 8:54 PM
They look great Bernie. You must have your system of production down pat!

Steve Schlumpf
10-28-2010, 9:05 PM
Bernie - nice work on everything! Looks like you are ramping up production for the Christmas season! Looking forward to seeing what else you will be turning!

gary Zimmel
10-28-2010, 9:09 PM
Great looking herd of pill and toothpick holders Bernie.

Bernie Weishapl
10-28-2010, 9:13 PM
Thanks for the comments.

John K. I just used a paper towel and no lub. I don't like using BLO. It just doesn't work for me. I got the idea from Ken Fitzgerald. I told the LOML that this time of year is not a good time to travel. You know how far that got me.:rolleyes::cool: She said well you will just have to start on next Christmas on Jan. 1st.:eek:

David they are excellent sellers for sure. I get $18 for the toothpick holders and $20 for the pill holders. I have $4 to $5 for parts including the blank. To glue the tube, turn and put together is 30 minutes each or less.

If you watched that video the Rasmus Peterson posted is exactly how I turn these with a Lacer skew. Sand at 240, 320, finish and done.

Sean Hughto
10-28-2010, 9:45 PM
Busy busy! Those are some great stocking stuffers!