View Full Version : Preparing crotch blanks

Prashun Patel
10-28-2010, 9:29 AM
I have a crotch of cherry wood that is large enough to cut in a variety of ways. What's the best way to prepare this?

On the 2 previous crotches I've worked with, I made a single cut through the line connecting both of the piths. Then I seal it. On the maple blanks I've done this way, there has not yet been any checking.

Any guides (other than the Grumbine video) on how to cut green logs?

Dennis Ford
10-28-2010, 9:53 AM
"I made a single cut through the line connecting both of the piths" That is the most common way to cut up a crotch section, it works very well for making shallow bowls or platters.
For crotch sections where the limbs grew at a low angle, there is often some bark inclusion that presents problems with that cutting strategy. If the piece is big enough you can make the cut through the bark inclusion (cut is at 90 deg to a line through the piths) and get two dramatic platters. (A lot of wood is wasted unless additional blanks are cut from the sides.)

Another option (for really large crotch sections) is sketched on the attached bitmap, it yields two bowl blanks and one vase (or hollow form) blank. All of the crotch figure will be in the hollow form, the bowl blanks will likely have some curl figure.

Steve Vaughan
10-28-2010, 11:00 AM
Dennis, thanks for that picture! That's a big help for me too!

charlie knighton
10-28-2010, 11:04 AM
thanks Dennis, that diagram has been a secret :D

Prashun Patel
10-28-2010, 11:08 AM
Yes, thanks Dennis. Funny. When I posted the q, I was hoping for exactly that kind of diagram.

I've not ventured into hollow forms, but perhaps this is a time to start?!

Any others welcome!!!!