View Full Version : Saw Construction - Old vs New

Erik Manchester
10-28-2010, 7:14 AM

I have a few good quality older full size and panel saws from the beginning of the last century by Atkins (401) and Disston (No 12s) and they have been tensioned so that they ring like a bell when struck. The highly polished blades are quite striking as well.

I understand that this reflected the better steel and the greater tensioning and detail applied in producing the higher grade saws.

I do not have any full size saws by modern premium sawsmiths and I am curious if they have the same tensioning, or whether they use a higher grade of steel that makes the hand tensioning no longer necessary? For example, do the new premium saws still ring like the old ones? I know that they perform as well or better.

I figure if I ask the question here, I will get lots of answers, call me curious?
