View Full Version : Turning Heart Pine???

Joe Shinall
10-27-2010, 10:27 PM
Anyone ever turned heart pine? I've got a ton of heart pine beams from an 100 year old boat house and was wondering about making some bowls and some christmas ornaments with some of it.

Just wondering if it would be really rough and tear out easy or anything.

Steve Vaughan
10-27-2010, 10:44 PM
I turned a piece last year, part of a stump an older man gave me. He was around 90 when he gave it to me and said he remembered his daddy have that thing when he was just a small child. It was hard as a brick, like turning granite. I think that resin in the heart pine almost petrifies after so many years. But, it had an absolutely gorgeous grain and color once turned and sanded up really well, almost didn't need any finish. I turned mine with regular lathe gouges but if you have any carbide tools, it might make it a little easier.

Joe Shinall
10-27-2010, 10:53 PM
Yeah Steve, this stuff is really hard. I used a brand new blade on my miter saw and it took some time to get through it. I actually dulled an almost brand new reciprocating saw blade when I first tried to cut a piece outside to reveal the grain.

I was actually just looking at some carbide tools for that reason.

Roger Chandler
10-27-2010, 11:20 PM
Anyone ever turned heart pine? I've got a ton of heart pine beams from an 100 year old boat house and was wondering about making some bowls and some christmas ornaments with some of it.

Just wondering if it would be really rough and tear out easy or anything.

If I was ever going to have wood envy, this would be one of those times! Wow, heart pine beams.............they will make some beautiful turnings! Good luck, and carbide will be the way to go.........;)

Joe Shinall
10-27-2010, 11:23 PM
Thanks Roger, I lucked out. Picked up about 20 beams for $200. Guy was moving and I bought a bunch of walnut from him and while I was there he said make me an offer on the heart pine if you want it. I jokingly said $200 and he said take it with you. :eek:

Gorgeous stuff, very tight grain and like I said before, very freakin hard!

Roger Chandler
10-27-2010, 11:34 PM
Thanks Roger, I lucked out. Picked up about 20 beams for $200. Guy was moving and I bought a bunch of walnut from him and while I was there he said make me an offer on the heart pine if you want it. I jokingly said $200 and he said take it with you. :eek:

Gorgeous stuff, very tight grain and like I said before, very freakin hard!

20 beams for $200.........now I have to repent! Wait a minute, the scriptures don't speak to the issue of wood envy.........maybe I am safe? :D My "heart" could "pine" away for some of that! :D:D:D;)

Gary Herrmann
10-28-2010, 7:35 AM
Pics. We need pics of the heart pine so we can be properly envious.

Steve Vaughan
10-28-2010, 10:57 AM
I want pics of him actually turning that stuff!:D

Bernie Weishapl
10-28-2010, 11:42 AM
Joe that is a great price on those beams and walnut to boot. The beam wood will be hard but will result in some gorgeous turnings.

Lee Koepke
10-28-2010, 12:27 PM
Being this is the round forum, I will refrain from one of my choices for the heart pine ..........

Joe Shinall
10-28-2010, 8:56 PM
Well here is a few pictures of the beams inside my new shop. Not really good but at least you can see em.

Lee, now you have my gears turning!!!

Lee Koepke
10-28-2010, 9:48 PM
I have a new coffee table on my drawing board and havent decided on a material combination yet .. nice SY heart pine would be splendid .... any more dock buildings being dropped ???

I may be headed to Savannah soon on business :)

Joe Shinall
10-28-2010, 10:15 PM
Nice! Some of that will be a coffee table and end tables soon for me as well. I'm not really sure if it was a boat house here or elsewhere that it came from. I was too dumbfounded to ask questions at the time.