View Full Version : Too many tool chests

Zach Dillinger
10-25-2010, 5:17 PM

I'm about to admit something painful. I may have too many tool chests. I simply can't pass one by, if its a reasonable price. I just bought yet another chest that had a few tools in it. It's a beaut. However, I don't know how to make use of all this space. I probably have enough tools to fill them all, but need some ideas on how to best utilize these spaces. I have three wall hung tool chests, three old-style tool chests, and two machinist-style chests.

I keep my measuring and layout tools in one Gerstner box, my files, screwdrivers and chisels in the Jennings machinist chest, molding and wooden planes in one old-style chest, my user metal planes in one plane till, and various and sunder other tools in the two wall hung chests. I'm at a loss as to how to utilize this new chest and how to sort my tools into easy to find storage options.

So, I guess what I'm looking for is pictures / ideas of your tool chests and tips on how to use them. I guess I could just stop buying tool chests or buy more tools, but I'm not happy with the first option and my wife won't be happy with the second.

My best,


PS Pics of all of these boxes, except the newest walnut chest, are at eatoncountywoodworker.blogspot.com (http://eatoncountywoodworker.blogspot.com)

Caspar Hauser
10-25-2010, 5:55 PM
Zach, I may be having some kind of 'moment' but I don't seem able to find the pictures.


Zach Dillinger
10-25-2010, 9:38 PM
Zach, I may be having some kind of 'moment' but I don't seem able to find the pictures.



It was my moment, I neglected to link to 'em. That's fixed now.



Josh Rudolph
10-25-2010, 10:08 PM

My recommendation is to keep the tools you want and sell the rest including the various tool chest's then build your own tool chest. I am starting to feel that if you aren't going to use the tool or it doesn't have some sentimental value to you...let it go to someone else who may be able to put it to use. Probably not what a Galoot wants to hear huh?

I believe a tool chest to be something that is very personal to the Craftsman. I believe it to be something that is designed by you, built by you, and used by you until you feel the need to upgrade to a new design.
I always enjoy looking at old tool chest and see the many ways that someone came up with to house their tools. The history that some hold are always amazing to me. I file it away for the day when I make it to my tool chest on my to do list.
Thanks for sharing your chests...now get to designing/building YOUR tool chest.

george wilson
10-25-2010, 10:17 PM
Actually,I have the same problem. I have 2 complete Machinist's chests on risers,on top of roll about chests. 1 is full of machinist's tools,one is full of old,new stock American made files.Then,I was making a large Gerstner #52 sized quartered white oak chest at work,but really have no place for it if I finish it. Then,I have the large pine exterior/mahogany interior tool chest I posted pictures of here,which I made in 1970.

I also have full width drawers in my self made workbench,an 8' work center/tool storage unit too full of stuff.

I am just a truffle rooting tool pig:).

Zach Dillinger
10-25-2010, 10:58 PM
I guess I am tempted to do a little shop cleanout, perhaps sell a few tools to some good homes. For example, can one really justify more than a dozen marking gauges? Six "user" wooden jack planes? More than 20 smoothing planes of various materials and sizes? I know that these numbers are nothing compared to some of you, but I'm only 26 and I've only been doing this for about 5 years.

I could sell a few and put some cash in my pocket but, alas, I'd probably just use the money to buy more tools... I think I have a problem...