View Full Version : Candy Dishes

Bill Bulloch
10-25-2010, 10:33 AM
I sold a Spanish Cedar Platter to a guy who liked it so much that he brought me some 2" x12" Spanish Cedar and ask me to make him as many 9" diameter Candy Dishes as I could from it. He wanted them in the same design as the platter and plans to give them out as Christmas presents.

I got 10 Candy Dishes out of the wood. I took him the first one to make sure we were on the same page with the design. He liked it, so here are the other nine ready for delivery.

Steve Schlumpf
10-25-2010, 10:46 AM
They all look great! Congrats on your commission! Hope it leads to many more!

Nice looking hollow forms as well!

Jim Burr
10-25-2010, 10:51 AM
Those are beautiful Bill! What kind of finish did you use?

Jon Lanier
10-25-2010, 11:53 AM
Those look great! Kinda looks like an offering plate.

Rob Cunningham
10-25-2010, 12:31 PM
They look great Bill. I've only done flatwork with Spanish Cedar, how is it for turning?

John Keeton
10-25-2010, 4:32 PM
Nice platters, Bill! And, I am with Steve on the HF - they look very nice, as well, particularly the one on the left.

Bill Bulloch
10-25-2010, 5:18 PM
They look great Bill. I've only done flatwork with Spanish Cedar, how is it for turning?

Rob, It's real soft wood, very porous. It turns easy but you really do need sharp tools as it is really bad at tearing out. The good thing is, that it is so soft you can sand out the tear out without much problem. The guy who ask me to make these first wanted me to make him salid bowls with it, but because of these characteristics of the wood I talked him out of it. He settled on Candy Dishes.

Jim Burr; Quote: What kind of finish did you use?

Jim, I put two heavy coats of Tung Oil Finish, then applied several heavy coats of a homemade concoction called "OB's Shine Juice" and buffed with the Beall System. "OB's Shine Juice" is a mixture of equal parts of BLO, Shellac and DNA. I got the formula form a guy in Louisana (Captain Eddie Castelin <eddiecastelin@cox.net>) email him and ask for a copy of his "Tip Sheet", lots of interesting stuff there.

Michael James
10-25-2010, 6:45 PM
Ncie work there Bill, all around. And thanks for the Csp'n Eddie tip...he's quite a character from what I can see on youtube!

Allen Neighbors
10-25-2010, 7:13 PM
Jim Burr; Quote: What kind of finish did you use?
Jim, I put two heavy coats of Tung Oil Finish, then applied several heavy coats of a homemade concoction called "OB's Shine Juice" and buffed with the Beall System. "OB's Shine Juice" is a mixture of equal parts of BLO, Shellac and DNA. I got the formula form a guy in Louisana (Captain Eddie Castelin <eddiecastelin@cox.net>) email him and ask for a copy of his "Tip Sheet", lots of interesting stuff there.
Bill, OB's Shine Juice sounds like a concoction that might have come from OB O'Brien, a lovable, good-hearted, bear of a friend of mine, who lives down in Pensacola. I wonder if he's where it originated......;):p

Baxter Smith
10-25-2010, 11:17 PM
Nice looking dishes and congrats on the orders!

Mike Wenman
10-26-2010, 1:36 AM
Very nice looking candy dishes.. Those will make very nice presents to whomever the gent gives them to.

Eddie is quite the fellow. Love watching his videos over and over. Always seem to pick up something from him.

Josh Bowman
10-26-2010, 11:13 AM
Nice platters Bill.