View Full Version : Had time for a small project

Jeff Nicol
10-24-2010, 3:37 PM
I needed a little lathe time so I decided a miniature was the thing to do. I have a drawer full of old screw driver handles and plastic for turning and this little wine glass is what I came up with. It is 5/16" tall and has a little bead at the base on the stem. I find turning the little ones is very calming, it forces me to use good tool control and keeps my ability to make fine cuts tuned in.

My wife already claimed it for her little glass display case, and says she needs more, more, more!

Hope all the football watchers teams are winning! The Packers play tonight so I have to wait.


Michael James
10-24-2010, 3:53 PM
Geez, I guess therapy comes in all forms... did you have to rig up a microscope to tool that?????
Nice, Jeff...!:cool:

Roger Chandler
10-24-2010, 4:20 PM
simply incredible Jeff! What tool did you use? did you have a magnifier to help you see it while turning?

Doug W Swanson
10-24-2010, 4:27 PM
Pretty cool project.

Are you sure you want to watch the game tonight? There might be a Moss sighting in the end zone!

Go Vikes!

John Keeton
10-24-2010, 5:02 PM
Jeff, that is some really neat work!! Not sure about the therapy part - I would probably need therapy after turning it!!:eek:

I guess this is what they use for a "sip of wine?!?!"

Steve Schlumpf
10-24-2010, 5:05 PM
That's really cool Jeff! You gonna have it laser engraved?

David DeCristoforo
10-24-2010, 5:06 PM
That's very cool. At least I think it is. I can't really see it. No, wait... I think I see it now...

Jeff Nicol
10-24-2010, 5:40 PM
Well it has been a trying weekend and some of the projects that had to get done before the snow flies I did yesterday. But my MIL and FIL are have had some medical issues that have kept us going. My FIL has a bad heart and he went to the emergency room this morning, his sister in Duluth went in the hospital on Friday and may not make it to much longer. So I have been trying to be the good husband/son-in-law and it has worn me out in my mushy brain. But so far things are looking up at both hospitals and we will have to go day to day. My MIL just had surgery on her foot so she can't get around without us but is in pretty good spirits all things considered. My wife just took her Mom back up to see Dad and I had a little break again so needed some mind numbing again and this is what I came up with.
It is a piece of Lilac bush and is 1 5/16" tall the sides of the goblet are paper thin and the stem is what it is about 1/16" at the smallest with the little beads. One definitely has to concentrate on the project. I use small tools that I make out of hardened nails and a 1/4" skew I made out of an old wood chisel, that is what I used for most of it except the inside. The little clear goblet was hollowed with a small trim nail in a piece of dowel sharpened into a small scraper/skew combo. So far I have not used a magnifier of any kind, my eyes are about the only thing left of me that is not worn out!

Thanks for looking,


Alan Zenreich
10-24-2010, 5:58 PM
What? No interlocked captured rings on the goblet stem? <veg>

Don Alexander
10-24-2010, 6:23 PM
hmmmm now that is some detail work there hehe

personally i think that dime is fake and about 2 feet in diameter :D:D:D

i'm guessing your turning tools are toothpicks with a needle stuck in the end? don't even hae a clue how to go about turning somthin that tiny but it sure looks impressive

hopefully the health issues in the family have happy endings

David E Keller
10-24-2010, 6:34 PM
Sorry to hear of the recent health issues with the family... Hang in there.

Nicely done on the miniatures. It would take weeks for my eyes to uncross if I tried something like the first one.:eek:

Steve Vaughan
10-24-2010, 7:21 PM
That's cool. Keep at it and you'll soon have a fully furnished dollhouse! I have a hard enough time being able to see my regular sized bowls! lol!!!

steven carter
10-24-2010, 8:16 PM

Very sorry to hear about the health problems of your loved ones, my prayers are with you and your family. The goblet is amazing. I would need magnifiers to see something that small, but can still see a golf ball at 275 yards.


Thomas Canfield
10-24-2010, 8:35 PM
Nicely done minatures Jeff. I did not know you wer that hard up for turning material. I bet a care package of Mesquite thorns and some of the brush stems could be put together and put in a padded envelope to keep you busy for a long time. Did you use your Powermatic for these? They say you can turn anything small on a large machine.

Jeff Nicol
10-24-2010, 10:33 PM
Nicely done minatures Jeff. I did not know you wer that hard up for turning material. I bet a care package of Mesquite thorns and some of the brush stems could be put together and put in a padded envelope to keep you busy for a long time. Did you use your Powermatic for these? They say you can turn anything small on a large machine.
Tom, I use the first lathe that I ever had that has been set up with a VFD and the infinite varible speed is great for the mini stuff. I sometimes have mini's going on all three of my lathes when I am in production. I have been so busy with "Steel" projects that I have neglected my turning passion. I will do some more little gems tomorrow out of bowling ball chunks and they will be much more colorful!

The Packers just started to dominate the Vikings, back to back interceptions and touch downs!!! YAHOO!!


Jim Underwood
10-24-2010, 10:51 PM
Good looking goblets Jeff! Minis are so much fun!

Sorry to hear about your family's health issues. Hope they are on the mend soon. It's tough when your parents get that age....

Chris Knoth
10-24-2010, 11:29 PM
Real sorry about all the health issues going on. Hope all works out in that area. Those are amazing pieces. I can't even imagine turning something that small. Just Great!


Matt Ranum
10-24-2010, 11:57 PM
Geez Jeff! And here I thought those minis you showed me in your shop were tiny!!

I'd have to put on magnifiers just to see it, let alone turn it.:p