View Full Version : Shaker Furniture Plans

David Keller NC
10-23-2010, 1:25 PM
All - I was searching through my books and online for shaker sewing desk photos/plans for a commission I've been asked to build (specified as all hand-tool work - woo-hoo! - someone that understands the value of the methods and is willing to pay for it!).

Anyway, I ran across these from the tennessee valley woodworking club's site - there's quite a lot of stuff in the main directory, but the following shaker pieces caught my eye, and I thought I'd share:

Shaker sewing desk: http://tnvalleywoodclub.org/Plans/shaker-sewing-desk.pdf

Shaker Lap Desk: http://tnvalleywoodclub.org/Plans/shakerlapdesk.pdf

Shaker Tripod Stand: http://tnvalleywoodclub.org/Plans/shakerpedestaltable.pdf

Shaker Pedestal Table: http://tnvalleywoodclub.org/Plans/shakertrestletable.pdf

Shaker Wash Stand:



Rob Young
10-23-2010, 5:52 PM
Excellent! I really like the lap desk.

(I see at the end where these were originally published in the Woodworker's Journal.)

Gary Radice
10-23-2010, 7:04 PM
I love Shaker furniture and thanks for the resource. If you don't have the Ejner Handberg three volume set of shop drawings of Shaker furniture: he has three examples of measured drawing of sewing desks. I can scan them and send them to you if you like.

Deane Allinson
10-24-2010, 9:56 AM
We actually built up about 15 of the lap desks 3-4 years ago at a shop I worked with. We made them from reclaimed long leaf pine. Over a couple of years a couple of issues popped up. The top is prone to warp, I would a thicker molding on the lid. The other was that the drawer bottom expanded and contracted so much that it would stick at different times of the year, I would suggest using a little more clearance there. It a nice light weight desk.

Deane Allinson
10-24-2010, 10:01 AM
The reason that the drawers stuck was because the grain direction of its bottom ran the depth instead of the width. Our mistake not in the plans.

David Keller NC
10-24-2010, 11:10 AM
I love Shaker furniture and thanks for the resource. If you don't have the Ejner Handberg three volume set of shop drawings of Shaker furniture: he has three examples of measured drawing of sewing desks. I can scan them and send them to you if you like.

Thanks for the offer, Gary. I do have a reprint - The countryman press edition that's all three volumes bound as one. I do wonder if I should've searched out the Berkshire press editions in local used bookshops. Many times (I find this particular true of Schiffer reprints), the reprinted editions have lost a great deal of detail in the drawings. When I bought Lester Margon's book, it was a reprint, and I later saw one of the original editions in a local used book shop - the difference was pretty shocking, and I purchased the used copy immediately.

David Keller NC
10-24-2010, 11:11 AM
We actually built up about 15 of the lap desks 3-4 years ago at a shop I worked with. We made them from reclaimed long leaf pine. Over a couple of years a couple of issues popped up. The top is prone to warp, I would a thicker molding on the lid. The other was that the drawer bottom expanded and contracted so much that it would stick at different times of the year, I would suggest using a little more clearance there. It a nice light weight desk.

Good to know, Deane. My main interest area is colonial american furniture, but the Shaker lap desks, as nearly as I can tell, are close to exact copies of those in use in the 18th century, so notes about stability are helpful.