View Full Version : Finish over dye...

Steve Vaughan
10-22-2010, 6:28 PM
OK, so the threads about dyeing wood inspired me to dye a bowl I recently turned and did a little woodburning on. I used black shoe dye...and after dyeing, read the fine print a bit better where it said something like "wait one day before polishing." So, then I wondered, I'm gonna be spraying deft lacquer over this, will it stick to a finish (the dye) that can later be polished? I just wondered if this shoe dye is really a type of wax.

Whatever happens, I'll post pics of it for the world to see...thanks for all the inspiration!

Bernie Weishapl
10-22-2010, 6:51 PM
I have some black shoe dye that is liquid and I will let it dry for a day just to make sure. Just remember when you spray the lacquer make sure they are light coats. If to heavy it will run.

David DeCristoforo
10-22-2010, 7:07 PM
"Shoe" dye (AKA leather dye) is an alcohol based dye, not a wax. Shoe polish is a wax. Not the same animal. Alcohol based dyes tend to dry very quickly since the alcohol evaporates very quickly. Nonetheless, it's a good idea to allow at least several hours before applying a top coat. As mentioned, light first coats to seal is a good idea. What is interesting is that while the lacquer will not have much effect on the dye, alcohol based dyes will "cut in" to lacquer allowing you the option of applying more color (glazing) after you have laid on several coats of lacquer.

Steve Vaughan
10-22-2010, 7:18 PM
Thanks for the replies. And this is definitely the dye. The directions might just be referring to putting on shoe polish after you dye it. We'll see, it 'should' be just fine.