View Full Version : ONEWAY 2436 (joke)

Michael Ginsberg
10-22-2010, 3:03 PM
While wishfull thinking, I was discussing with a co-worker that my dream lathe was a Oneway 2436, and that she could do everything I wanted in a lathe. My co-worker said "perhaps I should get a 36-24-36 instead"!!
I had to share that with you all.....:confused:

Kyle Iwamoto
10-22-2010, 3:08 PM
While wishfull thinking, I was discussing with a co-worker that my dream lathe was a Oneway 2436, and that she could do everything I wanted in a lathe. My co-worker said "perhaps I should get a 36-24-36 instead"!!
I had to share that with you all.....:confused:

What exactly, is a Oneway 36-24-36? LOL

steve mcconnell
10-22-2010, 4:24 PM
What exactly, is a Oneway 36-24-36? LOL

One stacked lathe?

Wayne Hendrix
10-22-2010, 4:26 PM
What exactly, is a Oneway 36-24-36? LOL

I would post pictures but they violate the TOS.

Mike Golka
10-22-2010, 4:54 PM
Ain't she purty!!!

Bernie Weishapl
10-22-2010, 6:18 PM
ROFLOL that is funny.

Jim Underwood
10-23-2010, 9:12 PM


David Woodruff
10-24-2010, 7:54 AM
If one were ambiguous, ambidextrous, amphibian or whatever that word is and had a brain to match, one could turn with both hands. WOW think of the productivity.