View Full Version : A few more antler pens for a friend.

Jack Mincey
10-20-2010, 7:36 AM
Here are a few more pens I made for my friend. I started out making 4 pens, but the first one went over so well that she wanted 5 more so I went a head and made one extra just to make sure. The slim lines are titanium and the to high end gets are Rhodium.
Jack Mincey

David E Keller
10-20-2010, 8:15 AM
Very cool, Jack. I love the look of antler especially when there are areas of color or surface variation. That's a good looking bunch you've got there.

Robert McGowen
10-20-2010, 9:56 AM
Very nice, Jack. Is that a CA finish or something else?

Bernie Weishapl
10-20-2010, 10:29 AM
Beautiful pens Jack. Really like the finish look of them.

Jack Mincey
10-20-2010, 4:19 PM
Thanks for the compliments everyone. Robert, I had to use just a touch of CA glue sanded into a few spots that where porous on a couple of the pens. There is no finish on them, I sanded them down to 400 grit and then 0000 steel wool and then buffed the antler to the shine. The trick to getting this to work is picking out peaces of antler that will have the outer portion used for the pen. This keeps the porous inner part of the antler from coming to the surface. Picking good pieces of antler wasn't an issue since I was giving a 55 Gal. trash bag stuffed full to the top by the friend these pens are made for.
Thanks again,

Scott Hussey
10-20-2010, 5:04 PM
Man - those are beautiful pens.

If you are wanting to get rid of some of the antlers in your bag, please let me know as I have a couple of hunting buddies who I'd like to make an antler pen for.

Send me a PM if you are interested in selling an antler or 2.



Billy Tallant
10-21-2010, 1:11 AM
Nice looking pens. Those antlers really shined up nice. I usually micro mesh mine to 12k to get a finish similar to that. I will have to try that steel wool out. Looks great!