View Full Version : Two weeks of turning

Nick Fournier
10-18-2010, 9:27 AM
The last two weekends have both given me time to turn. In that time I've managed to turn three different items, two bowls and my first "hollow" form.

The two bowls both came out fairly well, the first was a big leaf maple bowl and the second is walnut. The maple bowl is about 5"x3" and the walnut about 4"x2". Neither bowl has a finish, but I'm thinking of trying a danish oil finish for the first time.

The hollow form was this week's project and was my first real attempt at hollowing. I like the overall shape of the form and the cherry itself is beautiful, but the hollowing leaves a lot to desire. The walls ended up about 3/8" thick and the bottom closer to an inch. The hand held hollowing was tiring and time consuming and I got impatient. Rather than leave it on the lathe and come back to it, I just finished it quickly.

I'll likely try another hollow form, but I might go with something just a little smaller -- this one is about 5" in diameter and about 4" tall.

Please let me know what you think.

John Keeton
10-18-2010, 9:56 AM
Nick, looks like you are doing well, and I actually think the HF has some real promise! Do you still have a recess/tenon to get it back on the lathe? Perhaps at some point, you may want to get it some thinner, and clean up the opening - the form is very nice, and I think it will make a nice piece. Don't give up on it.

Nick Fournier
10-18-2010, 10:00 AM
I actually parted off the tenon, but there's enough in the bottom to either make a new tenon or a recess -- a little while after I got off the lathe I looked at it and wished I had just left it sitting there.

I'll probably go back to it another time -- I do like the wood.

Bernie Weishapl
10-18-2010, 3:57 PM
Looks like you are keeping busy. I agree with John that the HF is looking pretty good.

David E Keller
10-18-2010, 10:00 PM
Looks like you've had some fun. I agree with the others... I think that HF may be worth another visit once your arms and hands have recovered from the first round of hollowing.;)

Vince Welch
10-18-2010, 10:43 PM
Hi Nick,

Looks like you had some fun and did a nice job! Hang on to these peices to see your progress over time.
On your hollow form it appears your outside shape has a nice curve/line. Your bowl starts with a nice curve then straightens out midway. I wonder what your bowl might look like if the curve did not stop? Looks like you are on your way... Keep on turning! Nice work. Vince