View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
10-18-2010, 8:52 AM
18 Oct 2010

Good Morning,
I hope that this finds each of you doing well and enjoying cooler temps. It sure is nice to go outside and not sweat as soon as the door closes behind you!

The family and I finished up the firewood splitting and finished all the wood stacking. Ended up with just about 5 chords of free firewood. This will be plenty of firewood and I hope to get some stuff together so I can install a wood burning stove in my shop one day soon. Now all we have to do is clean up the yard, pickup all the small wood chunks left over, get a new tarp for covering the wood pile, and then we can call if done.

An update on my dad is that he's not doing very well, the cancer is continuing to grow and the doctors have no clue how to treat it because his cancer is so rare. I'm planning a trip to go and visit with my parents fairly soon as my mom needs some time to relax and get some serious sleep because she's up and down with my dad so much that even her own health is suffering. This is one of those times where I wished I lived closer to them.

It was church and more bass playing on Sunday, family movie night with the family and then crash after a long day on Sunday.

The shop cleaning is coming along slowly as work and other stuff gets in the way, but I really need to get it done so I can honestly get the LOML Jr's hope chest started and finished.

Well, that's it for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Troy Turner
10-18-2010, 9:21 AM
Mmmmmmm, let's see...Friday night - Got ready for Sat.

Sat - Up early, coffee, out to the shop, come back for more coffee, cut 25 8' pine panels down to 4'. Back to house. Nailed/glued panels to 16' wall. Done by mid-morning. Sat afternoon, routed 80' for trim and installed around 4 doors.

Sun - Took it easy..well, easier than Sat :)

Andrew Gibson
10-18-2010, 10:08 AM
Saturday a couple friends came over and we made a cornhole toss game. You know that kind with the 2 sloped boards each with a 6"hole in it... plays similarly to horse shoes.

The first one took about 3 hours to make, the second took an hour flat.

the game should be making appearances at a few halloween parties and I believe a wedding in the next month or 2.

Ken Garlock
10-18-2010, 10:34 AM
Some time a little after 11 AM I will have obtained the 70 year mark. Looking back at my college days, it is amazing that I made it to 23, never mind 70. :eek::D

The only bad thing about this landmark is that in 6 months I will be required/forced to withdraw money from my IRA to support the stupidity of the Troglodytes in Washington DC. Now I am not prejudice, I think they should all be shot.:rolleyes:

Callan Campbell
10-18-2010, 10:56 AM
Put away my 28 foot ext. ladder and wished it well during the winter months...:p I plan on selling it next spring and replacing it with a 1A ladder[it's only a Type 2 rated Werner]. More painting to do next Spring or Summer, along with some exterior trim replacement that's rotted, but I'm done for now.:)
Caulked, and caulked , and caulked some more. This year was the most exterior work we've ever done to the house all at once. Hope it feels better on the inside once the temps hit 0 and below in a few months. We fixed alot of gaps on many windows, so it was need work for sure.

John Lytle
10-18-2010, 10:58 AM
Saturday was an unusual start, my mother-in-laws 15yo Geo Metro (31k miles) had the ingnition key stuck. Had to drive LOML up there (1hr), take car to Chevy dealer (thankfully service was open on Saturday), spend time window shopping new trucks and then drive back home. Killed the morning but managed shop time in the afternoon to get work done on the Shaker Sewing desk.

Sunday in the garage working on drawers for the Shaker sewing Desk. Cool weather is getting here and I need to get this done before I loose my finishing weather.


Joe Mioux
10-18-2010, 11:06 AM
introduced a little English Pointer (5 month old) to the scent of a Dove wing.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-18-2010, 11:07 AM
Saturday turned and repaired a turning blank...and remounted and turned same blank....sharpened tools...took the LOML shopping.

Sunday....turned on that same bowl blank in the afternoon. Managed to finally get it finish turned and started the finishing process.

Mike Cruz
10-18-2010, 11:21 AM
Saturday, played in a 2 man best ball golf tourney. Didn't win, heck, didn't even come in the money (one stroke out) but I shot an 85 and my brother shot an 80. This was my second time swinging the sticks this year for both of us. I did win a closest to the pin! $25...WooHoo!!!!!!

Sunday, played in a 4 man scramble. We came in third. $40 per person...WooHoo!!!! Left a bunch of missed putts on the course. But truthfully, I didn't want to win because I made the trophies and thought it might be odd to take my own trophy home. :rolleyes: Second would have been nice. ;)

Everyone loved the trophies so much, it made my weekend. :)

Neil Brooks
10-18-2010, 11:24 AM
I'm sorry about your dad's condition. I wish both of your parents well....

I finally completed, and "finished" my Ponderosa Beetle-Kill Pine Tapered Display Tower (seen in a recent issue of WOOD Magazine):





Then I put it in the garage, until that varnish odor dies down :rolleyes:

Marty Paulus
10-18-2010, 1:11 PM
Dennis, I am very sorry to hear about your Dad. I lost my father to cancer/lukiema in August. It is not easy. Additional workload from that event has kept me more busy than I would like.

My weekend was busy winterizing boats. Friday afternoon winterize the engines on one boat. Saturday was shrink wraping two boats and cut the grass. Saturday night was a boat club party. Sunday was recover from Friday and Saturday and grill some steaks!:D

Next weekend will hopefully be finish winterizing boats and start swapping summer stuff for winter stuff in the garage and shed.:(

Jim O'Dell
10-18-2010, 10:25 PM
It was my week to work the Saturday crowd. 7:30 to 2:00. With both service drives open, there isn't any money to be made, so it's mostly sitting there twiddling my thumbs and trying to stay awake. Back home to watch the Ranger/Yankee game. It was such a long game, I decided not to go after the OSB I needed, so I went Sunday after breakfast. LOML brought in a 5 year old rescue dog that was owner surrendered, so I spent the evening watching the NL game, and having this needy dog glued to me wanting to be petted. He is really a good dog, just wasn't getting any attention, and so he craves it. He finally went over to his bed last night and went to sleep while we were watching TV.
Sunday I finished another wall in the finishing room. One more wall, and the span across the double doorway to the shop and I'll be ready to caulk and prime. Got a section of the front yard raked, seeded and fertilized with my wife's help, and the driveway in front of the shop picked up. That was enough! Jim.

Matt Meiser
10-19-2010, 8:09 AM
We did our last of 3 weekends camping in northeast Indiana. While down there we drove up into Michigan (the state line is a whole 1/2 mile north of the campground) and went to some antique malls where I found a nice Stanley 60-1/2 block plane for $20. Sunday afternoon someone from my club came over to run the lines and recharge my shop AC unit so now I'm all set for spring on the cooling front. Don't think I'll need it any more this year considering it got down to 33 last night here. Also spent some time sharpening and cleaning up the new plane and removing my Biesemeyer guard which I sold to a guy in my club since I've now got a Sharkguard.

greg a bender
10-19-2010, 10:02 AM
Saturday was spent securing my new shop. New double dead bolt, mini blinds on the windows and frosted glass in the overhead door. Just to make the interior a little less appealing to passers-by.

Sunday was spent re-engineering a Delta 50-302 outfeed table to fit my new Unisaw. Delta CS said it would not fit the new Uni. (Found this out after I bought it). Rather than send it back, I decided that with a little Yankee engineering I could make it fit. Well, after a good 7 hours of cutting, tinkering, drilling, threading and cussing it fits just fine:D (Whoever wrote the instructions for that thing should be shot!) While I was having my moments with the outfeed table my Wife was launching her first ever web site. So a very constructive weekend

Jim Becker
10-21-2010, 10:14 PM
I did a little more work on my current tack trunk commission on Saturday after I got home from my riding lesson, but had to fly to Vegas at oh-dark-early on Sunday. Back in the shop this weekend for sure.