View Full Version : Potpourri Pot

Bernie Weishapl
10-14-2010, 11:43 PM
Sorry about the pictures but I just finished this tonight and my sister wanted to take it home right away. So shot these just before she walks out the door. Almost forgot to take pic's. It is Colorado Blue Spruce. This tree blew down 5 yrs ago when I first started turning. It was about 40 ft tall. I got 4 pieces of it and put it away to dry. Actually forgot about it till I was digging Tuesday for some wood for a project. Boy was it bland. It just was a white/yellow and just nothing going on. So I had some transtint dye and india ink. So the inside is black and the outside is scarlet red. It has 6 coats of gloss wipe on poly as she wanted it shiney. It is 6 1/2" across and 3" high. Lid is from the Hallmark store here in town. Now the LOML thinks she has to have one just like it. Oh well.:rolleyes:

David Walser
10-15-2010, 12:34 AM

I like it a lot. The color and simple shape make the piece really pop. Nicely done.

Michelle Rich
10-15-2010, 12:54 AM
Hi Bernie..I would never have thought to use a Colorado Blue Spruce for turning. I guess I would have thought the pinesap would clog tools, and ruin the finish. Learn something new every day!

John Keeton
10-15-2010, 6:22 AM
Good move with the dye, Bernie - not much going on with that wood. Very interesting lid!

Robert McGowen
10-15-2010, 8:58 AM
I have to agree with John. I have never seen a sandal potpourri lid before!

It sounds like you might have spent more time on the finish than the actual turning. I am sure your sister loves it.

Lee Koepke
10-15-2010, 9:02 AM
That sandal lid came for Hallmark ???? I gotta find one of those, my LOML has a passion for flip flops.

I could upgrade my lathe if flip flops had a good secondary market!!!!!

Bernie Weishapl
10-15-2010, 10:37 AM
Thanks to all for the comments.

Michelle the wood did not have any resin at all. Don't know why but it was really like turning a piece of pine 2 X 12. It seemed dry but did have a tendency to have hairline cracks as I turned. CA took care of that.

John I really liked how it turned out. May have to do some more pieces. I bought a airbrush for the wife and may have to learn how to use it this winter when I have more time.

Robert it did take more time than usual. I did mix the dye with DNA so it dried pretty quick. Learned a few things about doing dye especially around the rim. The next time I will dye the outside then put the poly on especially around the rim the keep the black dye from trying to bleed at the rim.

Leo I found the sandal lid at the local hallmark store here in town. She said she was going to see if she could get more.

Bill Bolen
10-15-2010, 11:24 AM
OOOH cool piece Bernie. Well done my friend...Bill...

Roger Chandler
10-15-2010, 11:42 AM
Great one Bernie! I like the way you colored this piece. Let me ask you, are the dimensions you posted on this one pretty much the standard size for a potpourri pot?

I ask because I have never turned one, and don't have any idea what an appropriate size would be, or if it makes any difference, as any size is appropriate.

Anyway, this one is pretty!

Bernie Weishapl
10-15-2010, 1:03 PM
Thanks again to all.

Roger I generally like the 6" to 7" range and 3" to 4" tall. Those seem to sell best for me and the LOML says they are the most practical. The bigger ones and smaller ones just seem to sit. I just like them around 6" to 6 1/2" by 3" to 3 1/2".

Steve Schlumpf
10-15-2010, 1:10 PM
Bernie - this sure looks nice! I really like the coloring and finish! I can see you adding these to your Christmas items - especially with different colors!

Richard Madden
10-15-2010, 1:57 PM
Nice job, Bernie. I would have thought the same as Michelle about turning spruce.

Rob Cunningham
10-15-2010, 3:05 PM
Nice work Bernie. I can see you getting more orders for them.

Michael James
10-15-2010, 4:18 PM
Nice one Bernie..I see what you mean about the bleed..but the slipper cap has it covered! Hey, if that's all the lil mrs wants, you're in good shape buddy!:D

Bernie Weishapl
10-15-2010, 10:11 PM
Thanks again.

Richard the spruce was like turning a 2 X 12 pine. It had literally no resin in it. It was plain white and bland was the reason for coloring.

Rob I do have more orders. I told them I only have green and red so I guess I had better get moving as I have orders 3 colored ones, 2 claro walnut and 2 elm along with everything else people want plus get enough to go to the Art Gallery which they will start putting Christmas out the first of November.

Baxter Smith
10-15-2010, 10:53 PM
A festive color for sure! Sounds like you will be busy!

Jon Lanier
10-15-2010, 11:09 PM
That looks great Bernie. Looks like it's time to get back over to the Hallmark store and see what they have for 'candle toppers.' Or whatever those things are originally for.

Cathy Schaewe
10-16-2010, 9:24 AM
Bernie, that sure is pretty!

Bernie Weishapl
10-16-2010, 10:19 AM
Thanks again. Jon I just went and got a couple of more. They were for fall season.