View Full Version : Finishing crunch...Don't ya hate it when...

Mike Cruz
10-14-2010, 4:09 PM
Okay, so I got a request to make trophies for a golf outing that I've been attending for many years. This fall is 25th year of the outing. It is a two day tournament. Saturday is a two man best ball, and Sunday is a four man scramble. This equates to 6 trophies. To make a long story short (too late) I was asked to make them last April. Within a week, I had made a prototype and had sent it to them asking for feedback as to whether or not they liked the idea or if they wanted me to go a different direction. As soon as they got it, I got a reply that the person that got it really liked it and would show the other guys. Well, I didn't hear anything so I just figured they hated it and decided to go back to their usual supplier. Well, mid August, they sent an email around to all the attendees reminding them of the event and that I WAS MAKING THE TROPHIES!!!!! I called and told him that I haven't done anything on them yet, because, well, he never gave me the Okie-dokie. Many, many apologies for not telling me that the other two guys loved the prototype later, I told him I'd get right on it. Unfortunately, a part of the trophy required lathe work. While I had purchased a lathe, it was an old one that needed work and I had since torn the whole thing apart. So, I hustled to get her back together and start on the trophies.

Now to the point of my post. The golf outing that these trophies are for is this weekend. I'm down to the wire on finishing them. I THOUGHT my last coat of finish was done. But when I looked at the pieces (I had decided to finish the pieces before assembly) this morning I realized that most of them needed another coat. ACK! I don't have time for this! I was hoping that today was assembly day to give me an extra day in case there were any, let's say, difficulties or accidents. But, I'm not afforded that luxery this time around. HOPE everything goes smoothly tomorrow. If not, I'm gonna be in a pickle...

Lee Koepke
10-14-2010, 4:25 PM
Good Luck! Deadlines take the fun out of woodworking dont they?

Mike Cruz
10-15-2010, 8:07 AM
Actually, it's short deadlines that drive me nuts. Had I started these things back in the spring, I could have enjoyed them more. Oh, well. Looked at the finish last night. All looked well. Hope assembly goes smoothly today...

Dave Gaul
10-15-2010, 8:34 AM
Good luck Mike! Seems like I never start a project soon enough!

glenn bradley
10-15-2010, 2:59 PM
Good Luck! Deadlines take the fun out of woodworking dont they?

Amen. My response would probably have been something like "That's a shame. I sure would have liked to make those for you guys". I tried a few commissions with short deadlines. Forget it; no fun at all and I do this for fun ;-)

I hope this works out for all involved. Good luck.

Tony De Masi
10-15-2010, 3:36 PM
Mike, I was wondering if you were going to make a post here about the trophies. How about a picture before they are given out?

Prashun Patel
10-15-2010, 3:43 PM
You'll knock it out of the park! Please post pix... For your effort, perhaps you deserve one of the trophies...

If you don't finish on time, I know some rain dances that we might be able to do so's the tourney gets postponed?

Mike Cruz
10-15-2010, 4:12 PM
Here is a link to the finished product. I wanted to post it in the Turner's forum because it involved turning...


Mike Cruz
10-15-2010, 4:13 PM
Funny you mentioned it, but I have extra parts for one of my own in case I don't win one. :D

Mike Cruz
10-15-2010, 4:15 PM
Glenn, believe me, I 1/2 considered it. But these are close friends and I just couldn't do that. Besides, I was very honored to be asked to do this. It is something that I truely wanted to do. Just wish I had a little more time is all. I thought of other things I could have done had I had the time. Oh, well, maybe next year...

Ken Fitzgerald
10-15-2010, 5:18 PM

I just hate finishing...with or without a deadline.

I just "finished" a project. I completed everything but "finishing" it over a year ago.

Finally 6 weeks ago I got after it. I removed the finish from that table top 3 times in the last 6 weeks.

My wife declared it "finished" on Wednesday.

I HATE finishing.