View Full Version : I'll take my lumps now, thank you

Russell Tribby
10-14-2010, 3:20 PM
I ordered some new knives from Scott at Holbren for my 8" jointer. I received them today and when I opened the package I realized I had only ordered three instead of the four that I needed. Well, that's okay, I thought I'll just put these three on and then install the fourth when it gets here. I get the knives installed, turn the jointer on and it about jumped out of the shop. IDIOT! I didn't even think about the head not being balanced before I turned the thing on but I'm assuming that's what through the thing into orbit. Guess I'll be waiting for that last knife to show up :(

Neil Brooks
10-14-2010, 3:22 PM
Bibbe-de-bibbe-de-BAH-didde-BAH-didde-BAH-didde-BAH :D

Four IS a nice, even number.

Hope all it did was make an ugly noise, and ... a slight wetting of the trousers !

David Weaver
10-14-2010, 3:24 PM
Why not set one of the old dull blades in slightly below cut and just run it like that?

Russell Tribby
10-14-2010, 3:31 PM
Why not set one of the old dull blades in slightly below cut and just run it like that?

I wish I could, they're getting sharpened. I probably won't have them back until next week.

David Weaver
10-14-2010, 3:33 PM
I don't know what the design of the head is and how the blades are held in, but if they're opposed, you could just run it with two.

Downstairs, we have some things you could use until it's safe to switch the power button on :eek:

Ken Fitzgerald
10-14-2010, 3:36 PM
It's pretty amazing what a few ounces of steel being missing can do when spun up like that!

You ought to see what it can do on a machine that weighs over 3,000 lbs and it's out of balance by a pound or more!

It can get your attention!

Van Huskey
10-14-2010, 4:25 PM
Sometimes the quick simple answer isn't the best one... I have made plenty of those quick not fully thought out mistakes. Glad you and the jointer are fine.

johnny means
10-14-2010, 8:23 PM
Why not set one of the old dull blades in slightly below cut and just run it like that?

Removing the load from one knife produces a very similar affect, except the you don't see it until you start jointing.

glenn bradley
10-14-2010, 11:34 PM
Wow. Bet that was exciting for a moment or two. Thanks for the smile and the reminder that we all do these things some time or another ;-)

Stephen Cherry
10-15-2010, 12:55 AM
If that's the dumest thing you ever do, you're doing pretty good.

Russell Tribby
10-15-2010, 11:00 AM
Glen, glad I'm here to keep you entertained ;). Stephen, thanks for the laugh. Your comment got me thinking about the dumbest thing I've done in the shop. This would certainly be up there on the list. Right next to trying to cut a piece of trim with the grain on my miter saw....

Paul DeCarlo
10-15-2010, 12:17 PM
That's a mistake that is only made once.