View Full Version : Tool Time Revisited

David DeCristoforo
10-13-2010, 2:04 PM
Haven't had a whole lot of time for turning recently but I did manage to make a few new tools to round out my arsenal of detailing tools. The top one is made from a 3/8" drill rod. The two bottom ones are from 1/4" 0-1 steel rod. The handle on the top one is rosewood. The other two are satinwood. Boy does that stuff cut nicely! The ferrules are made from bronze bushings. All three are wicked sharp and cut very cleanly. So now I have all of the tubes in my new tool cart filled and… oh hey… my new vacuum adaptor just showed up….



Tim Rinehart
10-13-2010, 2:39 PM
David...er, oh handsome one...

Care to discuss the details on the tips at two of those that look dark in the pics? Looks like you ground out a section, or drilled first then did your tip profile??

David DeCristoforo
10-13-2010, 4:05 PM
David...er, oh handsome one...

Care to discuss the details on the tips at two of those that look dark in the pics? Looks like you ground out a section, or drilled first then did your tip profile??

I drilled out the end of the rod prior to grinding. The way they are ground, only the very tip has a gouge shape. The sides are sharp enough to cut as a scraper would.

Baxter Smith
10-13-2010, 5:14 PM
Are you sure you didn't those confused with your ice picks David?:) They look kind of dangerous. Make my tools look pretty clumsy!

Richard Madden
10-13-2010, 5:48 PM
David, I like the looks of those, have you had a chance to try them out? Let us know how they are and how the two with flutes compare with the one without.

David DeCristoforo
10-13-2010, 6:58 PM
"Are you sure you didn't those confused with your ice picks...?"

I don't have any ice picks. Well, I didn't before anyway. I guess I do now!

"have you had a chance to try them out?"

Absolutely! They work great. The ones with the flutes are really nice for tiny coves and the "vortex" style tool is perfect for small "flange" type cuts. I'll post some pics soon of some actual cuts for you but right now, I'm setting up a vacuum system...

Steve Schlumpf
10-13-2010, 6:58 PM
Looks great to me! Now you are all set when it comes to precision detailing!

Seriously - nice work on creating your own tools!

David DeCristoforo
10-13-2010, 7:12 PM
"Now you are all set when it comes to precision detailing... nice work on creating your own tools..."

Thanx Steve. If only tools came with the skill needed to use them properly "built in"! But judging from my test cuts with these, they should really work well.

John Keeton
10-13-2010, 8:28 PM
David, I like the fluted ones - may have to give that a try sometime. Trouble is, I don't have any empty slots in the toolrack!! Either have to get rid of a couple of tools, or build another rack. Then, I would have to find wall space!

David DeCristoforo
10-13-2010, 8:34 PM
"Trouble is, I don't have any empty slots in the toolrack!!"

That's a "no brainer", John. A bigger tool rack is your first task for tomorrow! I'm already planning how to add some more "tubes" to the sides of mine!

John Keeton
10-13-2010, 8:39 PM
David, trouble is, my racks are on the wall to the left of my lathe - No Room!! I would have to do some serious rearranging - not that the thought hasn't crossed my mind!;)

David DeCristoforo
10-13-2010, 9:13 PM
"...No Room..."

I got one word for ya...