View Full Version : Student's work.

Steve Wargo
12-22-2004, 8:52 AM
I'm really proud of this one. Since the closing of our local Woodcraft I took on the task of teaching. It's a nice learning experiance for me as well and we've got a pretty nice schedule right now. I have one student, who elected to do some individual time and build a side project for Xmas. It was constructed in my shop by both of us, but he did the bulk of the work. I think it turned out nicely. Here's a link I posted on my site for pictures of the table. In case you couldn't tell I'm just a little proud. :D

Dan's Oak Coffee Table (http://madhunkyworkshop.com/StudentWork.htm)

Jim Hinze
12-22-2004, 9:00 AM
Very nice table... Good student, great teacher!

Dave Anderson NH
12-22-2004, 9:11 AM
Teaching is both a high calling and a challenge. I've taught several things over the years and found that one of the big benefits is that it forces you to examine what you do, and why and how you do it. Every time I've taught I found that my own skills moved up a notch or two because I had to organize and plan things out. Overall it's a win/win situation for both the teacher and the student.

Mark Singer
12-22-2004, 9:25 AM

Very well stated! I have experienced the same in both architecture and woodworking...it is very rewarding

Teaching is both a high calling and a challenge. I've taught several things over the years and found that one of the big benefits is that it forces you to examine what you do, and why and how you do it. Every time I've taught I found that my own skills moved up a notch or two because I had to organize and plan things out. Overall it's a win/win situation for both the teacher and the student.

Alan Turner
12-22-2004, 9:35 AM
I third the moderators' findings. Nice work, and nice piece of teaching. Is the apron bead applied or intregal? Teaching is a great vocation. My sister, in medical school, learned the following: "See one, do one, teach one." When you can teach one, then you can reallay do one. I found this true also in my handtools classes. My knowledge, and work, improved a bunch.

Tyler Howell
12-22-2004, 9:47 AM
Very nice work. At this rate there won't be a lot of teaching in WW. I have had the pleasure of sharing skills in music, rescue, sailing, and skiing. Very rewarding. I agree about improving your own skills but also to see the light go on.

Most rewarding is having the student surpass the teacher. There are some great skiers and musicians out there that I was able to help on their journey, and now they are spreading the good news.

Great web sight too Steve.