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View Full Version : Are all of our Oklahoma Creekers ok?

Jim O'Dell
10-13-2010, 12:09 PM
Earthquake in Okie land??? 4.5 centered 6 miles east of Norman, just south of OKC. We need a roll call to know you and your tools are still ok. :D Jim.

John Pratt
10-13-2010, 12:43 PM
I'm 40 miles south in Lawton/Fort Sill and didn't even notice it. The ground rumbles all the time around here though. We just assume it is another artillery round hitting the ground on Fort Sill. I am sure some of the Creekers in California are laughing at the thought of a 4.5 quake.


Jim O'Dell
10-13-2010, 2:51 PM
Yeah, but it's unusual for this part of the country. I don't think there has been any damages noted, and maybe 2 people slightly injured. And the noon news upgraded it to 5.1.;) Just curious if any here new it was happening. Jim.

John Pratt
10-13-2010, 4:40 PM
I remember the first time I was stationed on Fort Sill in 1998. On our first day on the post we we hit by a 4.6 center in Meers, OK (about 15 miles away). My wife about lost her mind. All she could say was, "What have you gotten me into...what have you gotten me into!"

Neal Clayton
10-13-2010, 5:00 PM
Yeah, but it's unusual for this part of the country. I don't think there has been any damages noted, and maybe 2 people slightly injured. And the noon news upgraded it to 5.1.;) Just curious if any here new it was happening. Jim.

yeah, and remember, wide spread fracturing of bedrock for natural gas drilling has NOTHING to do with increased earthquake frequency.

relieving hundreds of thousands of pounds of pressure from the ground can't possibly have any other effect!


Rick Whitehead
10-13-2010, 8:15 PM
I live in Norman, and I felt and heard it!
Everything's OK with us . No damage to me or my tools!
I was in my office in the middle of a large building on the OU campus. I'm right across from the main mechanical room. I heard a rumbling sound, which sounded like a machine shaking itself apart.Then I felt the building shake.I jumped up, spilling my coffee all over the floor, and headed out in to the hallway. By then, it had quit.
I thought at first that there was something wrong in the mechanical room. But when I felt the building shake, I realized it was an earthquake.
That's only the second earthquake I've experienced in my life. The first one was when I was a kid here in Oklahoma, and all I remember was the dishes rattling. It probably wasn't as strong as this one!
I'm thankful that there was no more damage!

Jim O'Dell
10-13-2010, 11:03 PM
yeah, and remember, wide spread fracturing of bedrock for natural gas drilling has NOTHING to do with increased earthquake frequency.

relieving hundreds of thousands of pounds of pressure from the ground can't possibly have any other effect!


Yes, I believe what you are saying is correct. Are they doing the gas drilling in OK? It doesn't have anything to do with contaminated well water either. Jim.

Chris Padilla
10-13-2010, 11:30 PM
4.5 *might* get me to roll over in bed.... ;)

Shawn Pixley
10-13-2010, 11:39 PM
Ooooh! 4.5 earthquake - foot massage!

Seriously, I hope everyone and everything is OK! Pun intended

C Scott McDonald
10-14-2010, 12:20 AM
I was in Dublin CA during a small earthquake. Being from Colorado it was pretty exciting.

Rick Potter
10-14-2010, 2:39 AM
Reminds me of the TV show where two gals were in a Los Angeles restaurant, and a tremor hits. Behind them, tourists are heading for the door, while one of the two calmly says 4.5?, and the other says nah, 4.3.

Sorry, couldn't resist. Hope all is well in OK.

Rick Potter

PS: Of course the rare tornado here causes total confusion, because we don't know what to do.

Charlie Reals
10-14-2010, 6:41 AM
4.5 will scare anyone who doesn't know whats happening, for me, 4.5 here barely shakes the chandelier lol. Haven't any of you ever heard of Edger Cayces predictions? Omaha will one day be a seaport. The 1812 or so new madrid quake changed the course of the mississippi.
The strongest I ever felt was the Loma priata quake in I think 1989. That was a ride and a half lol.

Neal Clayton
10-14-2010, 3:54 PM
Yes, I believe what you are saying is correct. Are they doing the gas drilling in OK? It doesn't have anything to do with contaminated well water either. Jim.

yep, all the way over through the northern half of arkansas.

who needs ground water? just feed your cows and horses diet coke.

David G Baker
10-14-2010, 5:13 PM
I was on the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge during the 1989 Loma Prieta Quake, now that was really a ride.
When I was in the Army and stationed at Fort Ord in California back in the mid 60's we would have a couple of minor quakes every week. It happened so often they stopped bothering me.

Charlie Reals
10-14-2010, 5:24 PM
I was on the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge during the 1989 Loma Prieta Quake, now that was really a ride.
When I was in the Army and stationed at Fort Ord in California back in the mid 60's we would have a couple of minor quakes every week. It happened so often they stopped bothering me.
Yeah, I bet it was. That bridge did exactly as it was designed to do. I was in Hayward at an apartment complex and the parking roofs were twisting like a pretzel. Danged if they didn't cancel the Stevie Nicks concert we went down for. We get several a year from Mammoth lake. Growing up in the bay area anything under a five is just a skip in the road.

Rick Potter
10-15-2010, 2:29 AM
Keep those little ones coming. They relieve the pressure building up that will someday cause another big one.

A few years ago I was within a quarter mile of the epicenter of a 4 point something. A big thump, like someone dropped a car next to you, with no rolling. That happens farther away. A couple days later we learned the epicenter was miles deep.

Rick Potter