View Full Version : JessEm Zip Slot Mortise Mill

Paul Hingco
10-13-2010, 1:01 AM
Anyone have one? Experiences with it?

Ben Martin
10-13-2010, 1:28 AM
I bought one during the close out, made one mortise with it, so not much of an opinion, but it performed as advertised.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Bob Landel
10-14-2010, 12:12 AM
I have an unused new one with 3/8" and 1/4" drill kits. I used the first one I purchased only once. It was defective and JessEm sent me a new replacement. My investment was over $200.00. They are now discounted to below $60.00 for the 3/8" kit alone.

In an event, it worked as advertised, however I went out and purchased a Domino. Now that is a machine! However it cost over $1,200.00 for the machine and accessories.

Kent E. Matthew
10-14-2010, 12:21 AM
I was seriously considering one of these machines. What happened? Why the drastic price reduction?

Dan Mitchell
10-14-2010, 1:03 AM
Can the Jessem be used with readily available hardwood tenons, such as those made for the Domino? Is this apt to be an issue? I guess you could make the tenons, but that does eliminate one of the "convenience" factors. Comments?