View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
10-11-2010, 9:23 AM
11 Oct 2010

Good Morning Everyone,
Well, how many do you know got married yesterday just because it was 10/10/10?? I don't know any personally, but I do know of a couple that got married on 10/9/10 and are now away on their honeymoon. Blessings and happiness to all the newly wed couples across this land!!

Some of the trees are starting to change now and the days are getting shorter. Been working on the firewood supply and stacking it so I can hopefully get it covered up tomorrow sometime.

I'm still in the shop cleaning and organizing mode but my time has been extremely limited because of the day job, family issues, and failing health of my dad (his cancer is getting worse) and my FIL. It's really hard to see those you love so much suffer so greatly.

I've chosen the materials for my daughter's hope chest and as long as she doesn't change her mind, I'll be good to go. Now she just needs to settle (once again) on the design she wants for her hope chest.

Well, that's it for me this week...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Rich Engelhardt
10-11-2010, 9:35 AM
I finished making the last ceiling panel for the downstairs bath.
All that left now is to take all the panels down and poly the backs of them so they resist warping a bit better.
It's been a long process - doing wood drop in ceiling panels instead of the plain (boring?) Armstrong stuff.

Never again......well...maybe the basement ceiling.. ;). :D

Matt Meiser
10-11-2010, 9:46 AM
Shop-wise the only thing I did was get the wiring and condensate drain on the AC completed and a guy from my club who does HVAC and commercial refrigeration came down to take a look and determine materials so we can get the lines reconnected and recharged next weekend. Then I spent some time doing cleanup because it was a big mess out there. All that's left besides the lines are getting some minimal duct work in place.

Sean Troy
10-11-2010, 10:05 AM
Stripping layers of wall paper, skim coating walls and painting. Today installing new outlets and switches in my daughters bedroom. Glad when this is done and I can get back in the shop and start my other daughters dresser.

Shawn Pixley
10-11-2010, 10:25 AM
Saturday was for replacing our furnace. Unfortunately the installer called in sick. That meant I could leave earlier for the Lie-Nielsen tool event at Andersens' Plywood. Had a great time. Stopped at McCabe's on way home and saw a great guitar with a Ziricote back.

Yesterday fooled around in the shop and build some new glue up cauls and built a new tray. Will try to glue up before work this morning.

Van Huskey
10-11-2010, 10:38 AM
I spent the weekend nursing a mild cold and trying to outsmart a mouse in the garage that my wife will not let me poison. I got his buddy in less than an hour but this one is the Ivy League educated type. If my tricks and traps don't have him by tonight there will be a little clandestine poison fest going on!

Jeremy Greiner
10-11-2010, 10:42 AM
I finally got the replacement part for the mortis mill from jessem. I spent the weekend fighting with this device finally giving up on sunday deciding that it's just way to innacurate for me and will be returning it today.


Jim Becker
10-11-2010, 9:12 PM
Dennis, Sunday I got some shop time working on my latest tack trunk commission. It's essentially now built and ready for all the decorative trim work to begin. The carcasses are constructed from 1/2" cabinet grade veneer plywood and the simulated frame and panel effect comes from 1/4" thick hardwood veneer. So my next step will be milling the trim material, constructing the lid for the chest portion (deeper for this one at the client's request) and moving on to final finishing. Oh, I also mowed the lawn for the first time in about a month and a half...we finally got rain recently.

Saturday was the normal day at the barn for my dressage lesson, etc.

David Helm
10-11-2010, 10:35 PM
No shop time at all. I am in Colorado hanging out with three of my grandkids. Having a great time. All three are magnificent (ages 3, 5 and 7). The three year old is the only grand daughter and seriously rules the roost. We are leaving Co on Wednesday and spending a few days in Taos, New Mexico for a long overdue vacation together.

Glen Butler
10-11-2010, 11:47 PM
I went on a 46 mile bike ride. Not fantastic, but about the limits of my fitness level right now. More of my time has been spent on the bicycle than in the shop as of late. But it is good, because I am getting healthier and have more energy to want to work in the shop.