View Full Version : Goblet #1

Ken Hill
10-10-2010, 7:09 PM
You all will have to fill me in on how the numbering thing works on these pieces, if I am doing it wrong just fill me in!

Walnut vessel and bottom with a Persimmon center. 5 inches tall and around 1.25 inches at the mouth

Positives.....The cup part turned out nice I think. I wanted it to look similiar to a tulip.

Color is really nice and the finish isnt bad

Negatives...I have to better plan and turn the parts where the 3 pieces attach. I also need to work on getting the form I want before making the piece too thin and loose the ability to finish the shape. I also wanted the spindle section to be a bit more narrow but I can fix that on the next one:D



John Keeton
10-10-2010, 7:18 PM
Ken, let me be the first to say this is a fantastic job on your first goblet!! The cup portion is really very nice - thin, well formed.

On the junction points, I use a stub tenon on one piece, and a hole in the other. Not sure that helps much.

Great work!

Ken Hill
10-10-2010, 7:23 PM
Yep, thats what I was attempting:D I wasnt thinking really, put the persimmon between centers and started turning. Then I realized I couldnt make the piece wrap the bottom of the cup like I had planned. I ended up still using the tenon but had to drill the hole for it by hand..luckily it came to together well enough....but i think I can do better

The bottom, well I had rolled over the piece from the hole for the tenon to fit in and couldnt get the spindle portion to match well (between centers)

Added it all up to learning and wont dwell on it lol!

David E Keller
10-10-2010, 8:53 PM
I think it looks great! I can't tell that you had any trouble at all on the assembly. Nicely done.

Steve Schlumpf
10-10-2010, 9:37 PM
Ken - I like your goblet - especially the cup portion! Nice work!

Everything else is just a matter of playing with form until you find something that appeals to you!

Bernie Weishapl
10-10-2010, 9:57 PM
Really nice first goblet. Nicely done.

Baxter Smith
10-10-2010, 10:05 PM
Great number 1. Really like the curve of the cup part!