View Full Version : Iron strap hinges

Patrick Koontz
10-10-2010, 2:32 PM
I have a kitchen to do, the homeowner wants a country look. She found a picture of a kitchen she liked and it had black iron strap hinges on the doors. I found the site on the web and the kitchen she likes is in England. I can't find a good quality, affordable hinge anywhere. If anybody has any ideas where I could look I would really appreciate it. Pat

Neil Brooks
10-10-2010, 2:34 PM
If we're thinking about the same thing, a quick Google led me here (http://houseofantiquehardware.com/s.nl/sc.10/category.38/.f?GCID=S14464x015&KEYWORD=iron%20strap%20hinges&partner=gpc&s_kwcid=TC%7C7359%7Ciron%20strap%20hinges%7C%7CS%7 Cp%7C4068099819&gclid=CLP4_tr3yKQCFRhrgwodRV3rew).


Keith Westfall
10-10-2010, 7:40 PM
Lee Valley...

johnny means
10-10-2010, 7:44 PM

Pretty good selection here.