View Full Version : Ms. Keeton's Candle Stand

John Keeton
10-10-2010, 1:06 PM
Ms. Keeton has been asking for months that I turn a candle stand for one of her large candles usually displayed during the holidays - often with a greenery ring around it.

While playing with the finish of 'Blue Velvet', I decided to try my hand at one. This is not glued up yet, but I had the photo tent up and it was a good time to take some pics. Claro walnut, wet sanded with BLO, and a coat of satin WOP. Probably will get another coat.

I did not do any sketches of this piece, and the first spindle didn't work. I am OK with this spindle/pedestal, but were I to do another, I would use thicker stock for the top and have a 'step' on the underside to add some mass. That would permit a little wider flare at the top of the pedestal.

The base is 6.25", the top is 7.5", and the height is 6.75". The last pic is of the stand inverted to show the underside of the top.

Roger Chandler
10-10-2010, 1:53 PM
Nice candle stand John! Your art pieces have gotten your eye for finials and pedestals so refined, that anything other than an "elegant" and perhaps "delicate" does not click for you.

Your comments on the improvements you would make if you had a do over strike me as the eye you have for the delicate and elegant not being satisfied.

This is a nice piece, and I wonder if this one was something that developed in form as you went along on the lathe,or if this was planned completely from start to finish? I guess you answered that with the "no sketches" comment, and that may explain the design as you go from just a mental picture of what you wanted to do.

Again, nice candle stand........Mrs. K most likely considers it a keeper!

John Keeton
10-10-2010, 2:04 PM
Thanks, Roger. This one was done 'on the fly' so to speak. I had some general dimensions in mind, but nothing else - dangerous method for me! I really like sketching a piece - at least having some idea where I am going. Had I done that, I think I would have realized the lack of balance in this piece with the thickness of the top.

But, it was a quick and fun turning. The Holdfast chuck really makes this type of turning a breeze. And, it was Claro!! For me, it doesn't get much better!

Roger Chandler
10-10-2010, 2:34 PM
Thanks, Roger. This one was done 'on the fly' so to speak. I had some general dimensions in mind, but nothing else - dangerous method for me! I really like sketching a piece - at least having some idea where I am going. Had I done that, I think I would have realized the lack of balance in this piece with the thickness of the top.

But, it was a quick and fun turning. The Holdfast chuck really makes this type of turning a breeze. And, it was Claro!! For me, it doesn't get much better!


I'm glad to hear the hold fast vacuum chuck is working out so well for you. I know that I like mine, and it couldn't be easier.

I guess I am going to have to find me a supplier for some claro walnut. I have some other walnut, but the figure in claro is just great most of the time from what I understand and have seen in projects that I have seen.

David E Keller
10-10-2010, 3:20 PM
I like it, John. I like the way you reflected the 'ripple' detail on the underside of the portion that holds the candle... I think that's a sign of attention to detail when you take the time to treat often unseen areas like that. As for the proportions, I'd have to see it with Mrs. Keeton's candle on it. For utility pieces, I think it helps to view the piece as it will be used.

gary Zimmel
10-10-2010, 3:59 PM
"This one was done 'on the fly' so to speak. I had some general dimensions in mind,"

That sounds like all the turnings I do.....
Nice work on the candle holder John.

Bernie Weishapl
10-10-2010, 4:10 PM
For a turn on the fly John that turned out beautiful. I bet the Mrs. is happy with it. Really nice finish John. Gotta ask and I probably missed it but what is this Blue Velvet finish and where did you get it?

John Beaver
10-10-2010, 4:38 PM
It's interesting that you posted the upside down photo because my first impression was that the finial might look better upside down. I wonder since you haven't glued it yet if it would be worth looking at it the other way. I think it would draw the eyes up to the candle.

Of course this is coming from someone who doesn't make finials. Yours are usually spectacular.

Michael James
10-10-2010, 6:33 PM
John, that is very nice. And I love the walnut. I have some oak to turn some candle holders and I really need to decide what I want to do and practice on some scrap before I dig into the good stuff.
I will keep this design in mind. Thx for posting!

John Keeton
10-10-2010, 6:41 PM
Thanks for the kind words, guys.

Roger, Mike Smith has some really great Claro, at very good prices. That is where I get all of mine - I have to beat Bernie to it, though!;) Much of it is dry, too. Cathy S. informed me that she had purchased some 15" blanks from Mike that were 4-5" thick.

David K., it will be interesting to see a 6" red candle on this sucker, with some greenery around it! It may end up looking horrible!:eek:

And, my concerns with the lack of mass for the top may be neutered if the top isn't even visible. Still, if I had it to do over.....

For a turn on the fly John that turned out beautiful. I bet the Mrs. is happy with it. Really nice finish John. Gotta ask and I probably missed it but what is this Blue Velvet finish and where did you get it?Bernie, Ms. K is very pleased - and, that is a good thing! I was referring to the lacquer finish on the piece I posted that I named 'Blue Velvet', though it does sound like a neat name for a finish!!:D

Paul Douglass
10-10-2010, 8:30 PM
I think it looks great and not every turn has to be artsy. That piece only can look better with a candle sitting on it.

Ron Bontz
10-10-2010, 9:08 PM
I like the finial heavy side down myself. All I want to know is how you manage to do so many turnings so quickly. Is there a bed in your shop?:)

Steve Schlumpf
10-10-2010, 9:34 PM
John - I do like this pedestal better than the first. Has more of a balanced look to it.

If you wanted the top somewhat thicker - you can always turn a very small disk, glue in place and then turn to blend into the top. That would give you the heft you were looking for and not change the design.

Nice work! Glad Eileen is happy with it!

Tim Rinehart
10-10-2010, 10:01 PM
Great look piece. I can see some influence from your "two shall become one" in the cove work. Very nice, it all flows well to my eyes.

Geez...you and the others just keep filling my mind with too many ideas of stuff I want to try also...but then I get in front of the lathe and draw a blank sometimes.

Thanks for continuing to share your creative flair with us!:)

Bernie Weishapl
10-10-2010, 10:04 PM
Thanks John for the info. Guess I misread. I am sure she was pleased.

Baxter Smith
10-10-2010, 10:12 PM
Nice curves and useful too! Hope the Mrs. doesn't cover it all up with greenery!;)

David DeCristoforo
10-10-2010, 11:07 PM
It's really nice, John. But it's so... I don't know.... useful...

Michelle Rich
10-11-2010, 4:24 AM
oooohhhh spindle..like it upside down! & right side up!

David Hullum
10-11-2010, 4:22 PM
I love it. I made one just like that for my mom 2 years ago. :D

Alan Trout
10-11-2010, 6:32 PM

That is very nice, and I am sure your lovely will really appreciate it.
