View Full Version : Nova dvr xp electronics guys-help needed

Bill Bolen
10-08-2010, 3:33 PM
Afternoon. I would like to extend my dvr control panel from its current mounting on the headstock to the tailstock end. Looking at the inside of the control panel I think all I would need is a 10 wire ribbon cable with one male and one female end. This would act like an extension cord. I do a lot of hf's and reaching around the steady rest while the lathe is on is getting nerve racking! I've called several local electronics stores but they offer nothing of that length in a 10 wire cable. Thanks in advance for any help...Bill...

Steve Schlumpf
10-08-2010, 3:54 PM
Bill - can you get a 10 pin cable? If so, how long? No reason you couldn't plug one cable into another - just like plugging 2 extension cords together.

Alan Trout
10-08-2010, 4:04 PM
Bill, That is what I basically going to do with mine but a little more extravagant. Just have to find the time.


Steve Vaughan
10-08-2010, 7:43 PM
I'm not looking to do that with mine, but I sure would be interested in seeing pictures of it when you get all set up!

Joe Scarfo
10-08-2010, 9:24 PM
Nova doesn't offer a factory option for this?

I don't want to insult anyone but... did you call them?

Thanks and good luck

Alan Zenreich
10-09-2010, 6:31 AM
For more than a year there have been rumors of a remote box or keypad from Nova, but I haven't seen any discussion lately.

One of the customizations I've seen added as secondary keypad. However, making the original control panel movable might be a better idea,

I don't know what kind of current needs to go through the wire/connectors, but perhaps multiconductor phone cable could do the trick,

Alan Zenreich
10-09-2010, 6:56 AM
Maybe it's time to ping Teknatool about an official remote.

It really would be nice to add a remote in a way that doesn't jeopardize the DVR's 5 year warranty

edit: I just put a post on their Nova Woodworking Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/NOVA-Woodworking/91583652118), inquiring about this topic

Hilel Salomon
10-09-2010, 9:02 AM
Hi. Isn't there a website or a forum for DVR XP or Nova lathes? I seem to recall seeing one where a good deal of info is exchanged.


Alan Zenreich
10-09-2010, 9:18 AM
There is a Yahoo group, but it gets little traffic. There's also a sister group to WOW that has Nova content.

Nova appears to be using their Facebook page for announcements and customer engagement.

Bill Bolen
10-09-2010, 11:10 AM
I've contacted Nova and am a member of the Nova group. There is a nice plan avaliable for making a second control panel but it is way beyond my abilities. Nova is not very responsive especially when it comes to a secondary control panel although it has been a hot topic for years. It has also been rumored for years that they were going to offer one but it just never happens. Nova CS offered the suggestion of making an "extension cord" arrangement to re-located the control panel but offer no cable or connectores. Being somewhat electroicaly challanged I have no idea what type/name I need for the connector ends or the wire size required. I'll keep searching and if something is found I will be sure to post back. Nova makes a good lathe but seem to ignore CS problems and shove everything into Tim Geist's hands..Bill...

Mark Hubl
10-09-2010, 12:29 PM

It looks like something is changing for North American Teknatool customers. Their web site has a large message that they are moving the customer service operation to Florida starting October 11th. Does not address your current need, but may improve service.

Here is the message:

"We are currently in the process of moving our US service centre to Florida. This centre is open from 8am to 6pm EST, Monday to Saturday. It will be operational from October 11th. We are excited about this improved level of service to our NOVA owners and users. However, during this short term changeover period, there may be some delays in responding to your service enquiry, and we apologise for this. You can contact us via email to service@teknatool.com or you can call us on our toll free numbers 1-866-748-3025.

We look forward to the increased contact with our valued customers that this move will give us, and we appreciate your patience during this changeover period. We will announce on the 11th once the move is completed.

Peter Baker
CEO Teknatool International"

Jamie Buxton
10-09-2010, 12:43 PM
Usually ribbon cable is terminated in crunch-on connectors. Folks don't buy the whole cable, but rather buy a length of the cable and the connectors, and make their own.

Usually, the connectors on the cable are female. It might be easiest to make up a long replacement for your existing cable than to try to find the parts to make an extension cord.

Can you post a pic of your connector?

Bill Bolen
10-10-2010, 2:19 PM
A few photo's for you folks trying so hard to help out. Pic's are of the interior of controlled, the wire harness from the lathe head,socket on controller and front and back shots of the wire harness. A much liked and respected long time member here has offered to make and "extension cord" for me. I was very surprized to get this generous offer but upon reflection this kind of assistance is pretty much the norm on the creek! Thanks to everyone who has shown interest and offered advice.

Mike Stephens
10-10-2010, 6:09 PM
Turners for turners.

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_19_2.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZSfox000)

Bill please post pics when you are done with your modification.

Scott Lux
10-11-2010, 3:33 PM
Any electronics wizards here? Is there a resistance issue with 10 feet of this cable? Isn't ribbon typically unshielded? Could there be other interference issues?

Alan Zenreich
10-11-2010, 5:11 PM
I'd be interested if anyone wants to make up a replacement cable.

Six foot long would be plenty for me... I'd take four foot!

Any cabling wizzes out there?

Thom Sturgill
10-11-2010, 6:03 PM
That is generally called ribbon cable. I would go to a computer shop that does repairs and see if they can sell you some. Many buy in bulk and cut what they need. Even if it is wider than you need, you can split the cable. Then you need to find the connectors. Talk to the same guys - they may have to order the specific connector, but should be able to get it from their suppliers. Ribbon cable is often configured so that every other line is grounded. That provides signal separation and some shielding.

Jonathan Magnus
10-16-2010, 5:10 PM
Any electronics wizards here? Is there a resistance issue with 10 feet of this cable? Isn't ribbon typically unshielded? Could there be other interference issues?

Yes, there is some resistance and ribbon cable is unshielded.
I am not sure the shielding matters, but the resistance could be an issue.
Why "10 feet"? That is a long way. How large a piece are you turning?

"3 feet" should be long enough. Resistance is only a problem if you are drawing large amounts of power. Luckily, the control box does not draw much power. The backlight for the display may be an exception, I really don't know.

I would replace the ribbon cable with another, longer one. The trick would be to make it identical.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-16-2010, 10:14 PM
There is some resistance but I wouldn't worry too much about that.

There is a possbility that shielded cable will be needed.

It's gonna be a trial and error thing at best unless...some shielded cable can be found and used.

Bill wants 10 feet so he can run in a place where it will be semi-protected.

Bill Bolen
10-17-2010, 10:16 AM
Not 10 ft long (but 10 wire) 67" long.

Alan Zenreich
10-17-2010, 11:35 AM
I have not confirmed it yet, but on the DVR it appears that the connectors are 10 pin (2x5) IDC components. These were typically used on computers to connect serial devices.

I haven't found any pre-made cables of any length that have both male and female connectors (effectively making it an extension cord).

It doesn't look like it would be much of an effort for anyone who has easy access to and experience with ribbon cable parts. Trick is finding that person. Failing that, I'll likely just order some of the components and see if they fit.

Brad Vaughn
10-17-2010, 12:33 PM
I am sure that this site would have all of the parts you need.
Compete catalog found at this link http://dkc1.digikey.com/us/en/pdf/Current.html?WT.z_homepage_link=hp_CatalogButton
Now that I have looked at the catalog I think the best bet for you would be call them and get them to see the photos for the life of me I cant think how to find the parts but I am sure they have them
I myself as a one time electronic tech would say yes it can be made and should work fine I would think that it is all low voltage.
This type of cable is used in computers for data such as serial ports.
I have in the past opened the connector it can be done then it is pressed onto the cable. Get a old hard drive cable and look at how it is put together I have extended a bunch over the years.
Ah Ha I found this
Now I would call them and say this is what I need but in a 10ft

Check them out.

Jonathan Magnus
10-17-2010, 11:01 PM
I have not confirmed it yet, but on the DVR it appears that the connectors are 10 pin (2x5) IDC components. These were typically used on computers to connect serial devices.

I haven't found any pre-made cables of any length that have both male and female connectors (effectively making it an extension cord).

It doesn't look like it would be much of an effort for anyone who has easy access to and experience with ribbon cable parts. Trick is finding that person. Failing that, I'll likely just order some of the components and see if they fit.

It will not be possible to make an 'extension'. Ribbon connectors are only available in this size as female. The male pins must be soldered to a board. (Otherwise there would be too much chance of causing a short circuit) You *could* use a double female and insert cut off 'pins' into one of the female ends to make it male.

Personally, I would chase down the other end of the cable. It should have the same female end and be about 8" long. Using it as a model, make another one just like it only longer. Make sure that when the new cable is plugged in the flat cable exits from the same side and the red stripe is in the same location. The best may is to us a multimeter and verify each pin. There is probably a video on youtube.

The cable should be pretty cheap, I would make a 3', then a 6' then a 10'. Try them in order and see if they work.

H. Gregory Porter
10-19-2010, 11:07 PM
Here's the connector. I have no knowledge or experience with this company:


Here's a kit for making 4 cables (Same Caveat applies):


Bill Bolen
10-20-2010, 6:43 PM
Thank you Gregory, I will definately look into this...Bill...

Ken Fitzgerald
10-20-2010, 6:53 PM

That kit Gregory is showing is interesting.

It would require you to locate the other end of that cable you removed from the control panel and confirm it is female on the other end.

If , indeed, it is, and the connector is the same size, that might be the cheapest fix there is.

However, the reason I asked for those measurements is because there a similar plugs out there. I have spent a couple hours looking and the difference in the distance between pins is mesured in fractions of a milliimeter in some cases.

There isn't really a whole lot of skill required to make those connections.

Alan Zenreich
10-20-2010, 11:22 PM
I ordered some parts today... I'll let you all know if they fit when I get them.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-21-2010, 12:24 AM
One other thing to keep in mind.

It the Nova uses a 3 phase motor, it is possible the when you extend the control panel, the cable will act as an antenna. It can then receive some of the 3phase AC signal and create all kinds of intermittant strange symptoms because the cable isn't shielded.

You might not see this with the shorter cable as the control panel and the metal body of the lathe act as shields and prevent this from happening.

You could also see some interaction between say....your DC and the lathe for the same reasoning...if you had your DC running....

Just need to be aware that stray RF/AC pickup is possible with unshielded and properly grounded cables.

David Wong
10-21-2010, 1:12 AM
Pay special attention to aligning the cable to the connector correctly. It is very easy to get things turned around. The red strip on the end of the cable is considered the signal wire that connects to "pin 1" on the connector. The connector may have pin numbers on it, or more likely just a small dot next to pin 1. See wikipedia link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pin_1_idc.png).

To assemble the cable, line the ribbon and connector perpendicular to each other and apply even pressure to crimp the connector. A small vice is ideal, just do not apply too much pressure. Just enough to close the connector. (Found a good link (http://hubbard.engr.scu.edu/embedded/guide/ribbon/) illustrating the technique). For light protection of the cable, you can buy a length of heat shrink tubing to put around the ribbon cable (before you put the connectors on of course). You can roll the cable and slip it into the tubing. After putting the cable together, it is advisable to perform a continuity test on each signal on the connectors. Most volt meters have this function, or you can get an inexpensive tester online. Make sure pin 1 on both connectors are connected.

Wikipedia also has a good writeup (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ribbon_cable) on ribbon cables.

Alan Zenreich
10-25-2010, 9:29 PM
I made a couple of cables, female to female to replace the short stock cable.

I'll see which length I prefer. So far all the electrical functionality is there. It's important to squeeze the connector together squarely, or else not all the wires get pierced accurately.

I also ordered a pack of the male connectors (normally used to attach to a circuit board), and slipping these over the female connectors after crimping made it easy to test continuity by probing the exposed back end of the male connectors.

I'm also looking into some sheathing for the ribbon cable... both from a shielding standpoint (though it doesn't seem to be an issue) and to protect the cable from abrasion.

Next step is deciding on a housing for the display... it will have a magnetic back for easy positioning.

An interesting little project.

Bill Bolen
10-25-2010, 10:22 PM
Alan, could you post the link to the male plugs you found that fit? Might just be easier making a new wire from the board out rather than looking for a gender changer that will fit. Any assistance is appreciated!...Bill..

Alan Zenreich
10-26-2010, 12:30 PM

Here's my order from microcontrollershop.com

3 - 2x5 Female IDC Connector (2 pack) (IDC204-10-2) = US$2.82
1 - 2x5 pin Boxed Male Header, 0.1" (5 pcs pack) (BH1100S-10-5) = US$1.35
2 - 10 Conductor Flat Ribbon Cable (FC-127-10-5) = US$3.26
Shipping was $4.70

So there was more than enough to make two cables. There's an old saying: "Why build one when you can have two at twice the price?"

The two vary in length only... I'll see what I like.

Although ordered as two ribbon cables, it shipped as one longer cable... nice to have the flexibility of where to cut it.

There are a total of 6 female connectors in the order. I'm glad I had extras because my first attempt at crimping used a pair of pliers. Not a good idea, not all the pins seated properly. Visually confirming the alignment then using a small vise made quick work of an accurate crimp.

The cables are female to female. The male header sockets have only been used as a convenient way to test the continuity of the female connectors when installed.

I hope this helps those that are contemplating doing something similar.

I'd REALLY like it if Nova supplied a remote, but hey, this is less expensive than buying a Robust or a OneWay or a Stubby or or or.

Bill Bolen
10-26-2010, 3:56 PM
Thanks a ton Alan! I think I will just duplicate your order. Here's hoping we both get what we are after. I too just wish that Nova was a bit more responsive to their customers. I'm looking at the magnetic mount for my own version also. Seeing as how you are so far ahead of me I sure hope to see pic's of your final fix! Again,thanks!..Bill...

Alan Zenreich
10-26-2010, 5:57 PM

If I were to do the order again, I'd add a few more female socket sets. Nice to know you can mess up the crimp, then just cut off the socket and put a new one on <vbg>

They're certainly inexpensive enough.