View Full Version : carving knives, pin, rivet, or epoxy?

Robert Culver
10-07-2010, 8:49 PM
Ok so now I am working on a few projects but today I had to do some shaping of a chisle so i desided to start on a couple carving knives. Im just interesed in making a couple to give away as gifts to my freind and son.I got a blade and pattern done and am ready to cut my blank up. Heres my question. I see knives held togather in alot of differnt ways. I am thinking brass rivets may be overkill here I however dont feel like just epoxy is a good idea either . I was considering just a straight brass pin. What is your oppinion?

Marv Werner
10-07-2010, 9:05 PM

Here's an option that worked well for me.

I drilled through the two wood handle parts in their rough stage with them clamped to the metal, then with all three parts clamped together, I glued dowels through the holes. After the glue dried, I then shaped the handle.


Robert Culver
10-07-2010, 9:14 PM
Marv, Your just full of good ideas. I will definatly add that to my notes. I think I got some small ebony stock that would make a nice contrast with the curly maple and walnut I have selected for the handles. Im definatly going to have to ponder that for a little bit. Almost ready to start carving by the way......:)

Marv Werner
10-07-2010, 9:28 PM

Do you have a means of turning the dowels?

If not, drill a hole in a piece of steel the size of the dowel you want, then pound a square peg through the hole, but taper one end first so it will start easily.

Who says you can't put a square peg in a round hole? If the hole is big enough, no problem. :D

But in this case you want to start with a square peg that is a tad bigger than the diameter of the dowel you want. Make them short, they'll have less tendency to snap off. Make sure you pound them straight through and not leaning.

The holes through your handle pieces should allow an easy slip fit with the dowels.

Another way to hold the handle pieces to the knife is with screws that look a little like the screw sets I made for my backsaw in the picture up in the left corner here. The main difference is, the ones you buy are much smaller. Lie Nielson or Lee Valley or one of those outfits sell them.


Robert Culver
10-07-2010, 9:37 PM
I Have no means of turning dowel I have however seen a couple of ways to do It. If I go that way I will just smack it through a dowel plate seems pretty simple I will have to take a closer look at your saw I have the lee valley cat. about 3 ft from me. Im sure I can find what I see in there hardware cat. some place.