View Full Version : First Bird House...

James Combs
10-07-2010, 11:29 AM
... is more of a practice in finial/spindle techniques then practicing birdhouse construction.;) However the LOML is into miniature birdhouse collecting and she likes it so two birds with one "house" so to speak.:D

Material - Roof=Eastern Red Cedar, Walls=Black Walnut, Bottom Detail=Maple
Height = 5.25"
Main Diameter = 1-7/8"
Main Section Length = 2.25"
Bottom Detail = 1-7/8"
Finish = One coat of Waco Danish Natural Oil

From the birdhouse perspective, I thought there would be more contrast between the woods especially the Cedar & Walnut. The Cedar darkened significantly when I put the finish on. The Maple to other woods contrast is Ok. Some issues I noted were that I should have had some sort of curved transition from the walnut to the maple detail.:( Another is that I think the roof should have been steeper. Oh well like I said the LOML liked it and I can do better next time.;)

Take a close look at the bottom feature. I am thinking of using something similar but without the point as a lid/cap for the next posting. Let me know what you think.

Richard Coers
10-07-2010, 11:41 AM
For your second one, I would try to get a couple features more to scale. I would put in a smaller hole (I think I use 5/16") for the bird and a smaller diameter pearch. I use bamboo from a recycled curtain. I think skewers are also about that size. Maybe skinny up the finial a little as an experiment. But a really great start. Especially if the wife likes it!

Mark Hix
10-07-2010, 10:42 PM
They look great and the sky is the limit! They are fun to make and the variety is endless! They have also improved your finials. I messed up some last year and had to enlarge the door holes....I just glued birds inside the house and they were some of the first to sell.

Bernie Weishapl
10-07-2010, 11:11 PM
That is a good looking first. I agree the hole is slightly large but other than that the sky is the limit now. Keep'em coming.