View Full Version : Wooden Mugs- Your opinions please!

Royce Meritt
12-20-2004, 6:20 PM
Here is a quick look at the wooden mugs I am making. I made some of these a while back and thought they turned out pretty well.

This mug, and 3 others will be for our local Ducks Unlimited banquet. They are walnut with ash accents and antler handles. I made a couple of minor changes from my previous mugs. These are slightly larger diameter. The wooden "medallion" is only temporarily attched and will be laser engraved with the DU logo.

Something about this "prototype" is bothering me and I can't quite put my finger on what it is. What do any of you think? Is the handle too large? Not large enough? Does the handle sit too far away from the body of the mug? Is something out of proportion? Any thoughts? Thanks.

Bruce Shiverdecker
12-20-2004, 8:28 PM
Not being an expert, I'm not sure I should comment, but The feel I get is that the handle is a little bulky at the bend.

Just MHO.


Tony Falotico
12-20-2004, 9:47 PM
Something about this "prototype" is bothering me and I can't quite put my finger on what it is.

I'm with you Royce, I've stared at for a while --- if the antler handle is not a requirement, try a simple handle of brass or matching wood; either the walnut or the ash. The natural look of the handle does appear to be heavy and bulky against the slim sleek controlled look of the mug giving a little too much contrast ??

Hope that helps (I could be way off base) ........


Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
12-20-2004, 9:56 PM
The cup itself is too refined for the rough handle. The cup should either be all rustic or all the other way. Perhaps you might be able to carve the antler to a smooth flowing curve that fits in with the body. A couple of silver rings of inlace around it at the appropriate places might help dress it up also.

Kurt Aebi
12-21-2004, 8:15 AM
I' with the others, so far. The handle doesn't quite fit the mug.

Maybe you can make handles a little smaller from wood in the shape of a duck's head with the beak sort of pecking into the top where the antler mounts onto the mug. A kinda wacky idea, but who kows might work?

Lou Morrissette
12-21-2004, 8:18 AM
Great looking mugs but I tend to agree that the handle does appear to be too rustic for the mug. Or maybe it is too much color contrast. Great workmanship though.


Royce Meritt
12-21-2004, 10:15 AM
Great feedback folks! Sometimes one just needs another opinion. Looking at it again, I tend to agree. The handle is too bulky, particularly at the bend. I'm going to start by re-working the handle a bit and see if I can make it look less "rustic". If that doesn't work I'll make a different type of handle. I'll keep you posted. Thanks. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!

Jim Hinze
12-21-2004, 10:32 AM
I'm no exper either,

but aside from being too bulky, the handle is too large (long) for the overall stature of the mug... IMHO.