View Full Version : Should I renew my Fine Woodworking Subscription

John Weber
12-20-2004, 5:40 PM
Hey Guys,

I just received my "last" issue of Fine Woodworking. I guess I've been a little put off by the $34.95 renewal and didn't get motivated to send it in. I’ve subscribed for 5 or 6 years and also get Wood. It just seems I fly through the issues. I do refer back, but seldom use the CD-ROM, and find most of my answers online these days. I've found some better deals, ($19.74 for one year is the best so far), so I guess I would save $15. I read somewhere if I call FWW they will "match" other prices, and I can just continue my sub. So what do you guys think, let it go, or spend another $20?

Thanks - John

Chris Padilla
12-20-2004, 5:46 PM

Let it go for a year and see what you think.

Chuck Fischer
12-20-2004, 5:49 PM
Im a magazine junkie, I love to get a new magazine in the mail, but as you have said, I have been tearing through them super fast lately and though I refer to them often, I rarely see anything in them that I haven't seen before or read here on the web. Go without for a while and see if you miss it. However, once you glance at one on the rack at the bookstore and notice its got an article you want, then you're shelling out the 8 buck cover charge, and if that happens to you more than 3 times, then you've just spent more than the 20 dollar subscription fee you mentioned. 20 bucks seems like a good deal to me, but then again, if you can live without, 20 bucks can get you and the Mrs. a nice dinner at McDonalds.


Dennis McDonaugh
12-20-2004, 5:54 PM
The only issue I buy each year is the tools and shops--I've just had a hard time spending any money on magazines lately.

Jim Becker
12-20-2004, 5:55 PM
It's hard to answer "for" you. I happen to love Fine Woodworking and look forward to each issue. I learn a lot from it and find much inspiration. Your needs and feelings may be different. As Chris suggested, you can always try out not receiving it or just picking up the issues that interest you at the newstand.

Christopher Pine
12-20-2004, 6:24 PM
Hey Guys,

I just received my "last" issue of Fine Woodworking. I guess I've been a little put off by the $34.95 renewal and didn't get motivated to send it in. I’ve subscribed for 5 or 6 years and also get Wood. It just seems I fly through the issues. I do refer back, but seldom use the CD-ROM, and find most of my answers online these days. I've found some better deals, ($19.74 for one year is the best so far), so I guess I would save $15. I read somewhere if I call FWW they will "match" other prices, and I can just continue my sub. So what do you guys think, let it go, or spend another $20?

Thanks - John
where did you find this subscription rate?

Don Selke
12-20-2004, 6:24 PM
I let my subscription to Fine Woodworking lapse and have not received it for the past several issues. I find myself picking some of them up at the local book shop. I recently subscribed to Woodworking at Home which is a video magazine and really like it so far. I do admit that I miss Fine Woodworking and will renue my subscription after the holidays. The $34.95 price tag is costly so I will more then likely drop one of my other magazines.

Norman Hitt
12-20-2004, 6:43 PM
Yeah, I just got my last issue too, and I'm gonna miss it, but there are just too many other things ahead of it in the budget that $34.95 will fit at this time of the year. I'm also dropping a couple of other non WW mags that I've subscribed to for many years. One thing I've decided though is that the end/first of the year is a really bad time for subscriptions to come due. I WILL change that in the future.

Mark Singer
12-20-2004, 6:56 PM
If you get just 1 idea or see just 1 item on sale.....it can pay for the whole year!

Frank Pellow
12-20-2004, 7:28 PM
The only issue I buy each year is the tools and shops--I've just had a hard time spending any money on magazines lately.
That's what I do too.

Jim Barrett
12-20-2004, 8:51 PM
I am a woodworking magazine junkie as well. I have a collection of FWW, WWJ, American Woodworker, Woodsmith, ShopNotes, Workbench, Today's Woodworker, and Wood.... think that's it:D

So I got out of woodworking for a while (divorce) and stopped many of my subscriptions. Now I am going back trying to fill in the gaps. Now I wish I would of kept up with some of the subscriptions, finding some of the back issues can be tough..even on Ebay!

IMHO.....spend the $20....


12-20-2004, 9:15 PM
There is a seller on Ebay who has a three year subscription for 49.95.I odered a subscription myself a couple of weeks ago but haven't started recieving them yet.Other members said they had no problems and his feedback rating is very good.I believe his name is BLUESKIESMAGAZINES in case anyone is interested.

Ron Jones near Indy
12-20-2004, 9:21 PM
LOML is an avid reader and checks out several books each month. I go along on one of her trips to the library and check out the current issue of FWW. If it is exceptional, I pick it up at Lowe's (10% discount). Otherwise I wait for the next month's issue to appear on the rack and I check out the previous issue. I get to read all issues, buy the ones I feel are exceptional, and am well pleased with this arrangement. :D

Ted Calver
12-20-2004, 9:55 PM
Really depends on how you view the magazine. I've subscribed since it was just a pup and don't plan to stop just because the cost of publication is going up. Heck, my annual newspaper subscription just jumped from $149 to $175. They said something to the effect that they had been sucking up increased production costs for the last three years but could no longer do so and still put out a paper. Same has gotta hold true for any periodical. Sure, FWW has its ups and downs on content and quality but over the long haul its been a good ride. I still think it's worth the asking price.

Marshall Harrison
12-21-2004, 7:58 AM
I simply go to the bookstore, buy a cup of java and thumb through all of the woodworking magazines. I then purchase those issues that really interest me. I don't normally read them in the store as that would spoil all of the fun I have when I get home with them. This may be a little more expensive (I do use my discount card) but it saves me from getting issues that I don't want/need. It also means I purchase the best magazine available each month.

THis is my 100th post :)

Aaron Montgomery
12-21-2004, 8:07 AM
I recently let mine lapse as well. I just couldn't see shelling out $35 for a bi-monthly magazine. I'll miss it, but I've got plenty of shop projects without FWW adding to the list.

Jim Dunn
12-21-2004, 8:10 AM
Congrats on your 100th post, and I do the same over to the Borders and a stack of magazines with coffee. At least if I've seen all the mags I can girl watch.

Keith Pettersen
12-21-2004, 11:17 AM
I would, there is alot of good info in there

Keith Pettersen

John Weber
12-21-2004, 12:06 PM
Well I went ahead and renewed, although I did it through ebay for $55 for 3 years vs the normal subsription price of $83.95 for three years. I called Taunton and asked them to match the internet price, and they would not. They also made it sound as I was pulling a fast one, nice CS service Taunton. It pissed me off enough I should have not subscribed, but $55 for 3 more years is a good price, and I do use them as a reference, so I wanted to keep them in series. Depending on the renewal time lag, I might need to pick up an extra issue. There was another seller with a $49.95/3 year deal, but he listed as new subs only.

I've not been in the shop much lately, so that may have an impact on my interest in FWW, but hopefully my shop time will pick up after the holidays, and I will continue to enjoy FWW. Plus the latest issue is one of the best I've read in awhile.

Thanks for everyone's input, I know it was a tough question, but your replies helped me think about what I wanted to do.


Roy Wall
12-21-2004, 12:27 PM
Well I went ahead and renewed, although I did it through ebay for $55 for 3 years vs the normal subsription price of $83.95 for three years. I called Taunton and asked them to match the internet price, and they would not. They also made it sound as I was pulling a fast one, nice CS service Taunton. It pissed me off enough I should have not subscribed, but $55 for 3 more years is a good price, and I do use them as a reference, so I wanted to keep them in series. Depending on the renewal time lag, I might need to pick up an extra issue. There was another seller with a $49.95/3 year deal, but he listed as new subs only.

I've not been in the shop much lately, so that may have an impact on my interest in FWW, but hopefully my shop time will pick up after the holidays, and I will continue to enjoy FWW. Plus the latest issue is one of the best I've read in awhile.

Thanks for everyone's input, I know it was a tough question, but your replies helped me think about what I wanted to do.

That's a bargain...!! $55......

I may look into that option...my 3 years sub is up this spring as I originally paid the $85 / 3 year deal.

Do you think the ebay deal is legite ---????

John Weber
12-21-2004, 12:48 PM
The seller had very good feedback, and I've bought several subs via ebay. It takes awhile to start, but they all have worked out so far. I even bought several for Christmas gifts this year. Deals can be very good. I bought my Dad ESPN the Mag (4 years/ 104 issues) for $10. I don't know how this works, but about every mag I've looked for is available, some more or less expensive. Another seller has FWW for just under $20 for 1/year if you wanted to test the water.


Brian Knop
12-22-2004, 2:21 PM
FWW is the only magazine that I buy. For all of the rest I check them out of the library, then scan the articles and pictures of interest to me and store them on my computer.


Byron Trantham
12-22-2004, 2:32 PM
If you get just 1 idea or see just 1 item on sale.....it can pay for the whole year!

That's the way I see it too.... :p

Kent Cori
12-23-2004, 5:07 PM
I was fortunate to find the same Ebay deal that Brad did. The first issue showed up in my mailbox on the next magazine cycle. I had no problems with the transaction. For $16 per year FWW can't be beat! :)