View Full Version : returns scores

Bob Riefer
10-04-2010, 8:15 AM
Both my local Lowes and HD have an area near the contractor entrance where they attempt to cheaply sell off returns, miss ships, damaged during shelving etc. It's often pennies on the dollar.

For example, awhile back they had 4 foot tall sections of picket fence that were damaged. $3 per 8 foot section. Now, I didn't need the fence at the time, but all that was wrong with it was each section had one damaged picket... for $3, buy an extra sacrificial length to dismantle and replace the pickets on the other.

Anyways, yesterday's score was modest, but got me to wondering about others' similar scores. My haul yesterday was two 1.5" thick x 20" wide x 6' long solid core oak wrapped doors. No raised panels or drill outs for hardware to contend with. $5 each. Totally perfect condition, just the wrong size ordered. That should solve my outfeed table need. :-)

Brandon Weiss
10-04-2010, 9:59 AM
I haven't seen a return section at either borg yet but we do have the cull lumber section at HD. Not sure if that is a nation wide thing but it's the cutoffs and left over wood from displays and stuff that people have cut but decide they don't want. 0.51c per piece. I have scored roughly 8-10 full sheets of MDF for around $20 so far. Also have picked up some 2x4 sheets of hardwood plywood for 0.51c each.

As far as Lowes here I've only seen the yellow tagged items which they are trying to eliminate/closeout. My greatest score there has been some Vareyethane (sp?). Hardwood floor polyeurethane like coating that usually goes for $35 per can. I got 3 cans of the stuff for $3 each. I also scored a bunch of Minwax stains for 87c per can.

Ruhi Arslan
10-04-2010, 10:32 AM
No such things around here that I can find. Even the cutoffs bin items are charged with regular prices. They put a table every once in a while with few open/damaged items but reduction is not worth picking up the damaged box not knowing if it is complete. There was once a Ridgid's "jaw horse" imitation with some cosmetic damage priced at $159. Someone must have had a bad supply of weed before showing up at work.