View Full Version : Rapidair system and condensation control

doug barr
10-01-2010, 9:26 AM
Seem to me that there is no chance for the air to cool. System does not talk about sloping tube away from compressor. Those of you that have installed this system, are you having a problem with condensation? Would it be advisable to install some type of piping right after the compressor to help the air cool and capture condensation and then run this system around shop, or do you just install water filters at each drop? How many of you just don't worry about it. I'm thinking in the future that I might get into spraying finishes so I would like to do it right the first time. This system is affordable and easy to setup so thats why I was looking at it. Thanks for you input. Doug

Jonathan Spool
10-01-2010, 12:09 PM
I've used the Rapidaire system for the past 5 years. I have dryers at the compressor, and at the drop used for any spraying. Main line runs around ceiling height with drops down to connection manifolds, each which has a drain cock. I have not had any issues with conensation, however, the only spraying I do is for my own projects and not on a commecial level, so if you are running the system on a continuous basis, your experience might be different from mine.
That being said;
for my new shop, I am installing 1/2" black pipe as a trunk line with rapid air drops. I just think its the prudent thing to do.