View Full Version : SMC 2010 Fall Turning Contest - Spindle

John Keeton
10-01-2010, 7:14 AM
These are the spindle entries for the SMC 2010 Fall Turning Contest.

Michelle Rich
10-02-2010, 7:49 AM
This total cherry sackback windsor chair is my entry for the spindle category of the contest. I have needed to make my last matching chair for my dining set, and have not gotten around to it. This contest got me motivated to complete my set. I also wanted to submit an entry into a category that we all don't see much work. Lately it seems that bowls, hollowforms, segmented forms, etc., have taken the forefront in people's concept of turning. Utilitarian items, (the reason most folks started turning back in the wagon train days) can be just as beautiful as art items on a shelf.(IMHO) Thanks to the sponsors of the contest & to SMC for putting it on.:)

Greg Just
10-10-2010, 1:17 PM
This is my totally turned shop stool. I followed the plans in a Popular Woodworking magazine from a few years ago. The turning was the easy part; drilling the holes and assembly was hard. The legs and stretchers are make from hard maple The seat is poplar and is painted with an acrylic latex paint that kind of looks like milk paint.

Scott Hackler
10-11-2010, 12:23 AM
Here is my entry for the contest.

One of my current obssessions, a Christmas Ornament. This ornament has an 1 3/4" bulb with a 1/2" mini-bulb of Lacewood. The larger bulb was hollowed to 1/8" thick for weight reduction. The pendant and topper are both African Blackwood. The overall height is 6".

Finished with Boiled linseed oil on the bulbs, black shoe polish on the African Blackwood and 4 coats of lacquer on everything.

Thanks to all involved in the organization of this contest and thanks to the vendors for their support as well.

Steve Mawson
10-12-2010, 10:01 PM
Old Threshers Toothpick Holder. So named because my Uncle Robert remembered this type of toothpick holder on the dinner table when wheat threshing was done back in the 1930's.

Base of the holder is about 3.5" long by 3" wide and about 4" tall. Pencil lines are drawn on the barrel before putting finish on to simulate barrel staves. The barrel has a 1" hole to hold the toothpicks. This holder is made from cherry and finished with home brew danish oil followed by satin lacquer. Several processes are involved in making the holder and design can be changed to suit different styles. Most hardwoods lend themselves to this project.

To place a toothpick on top of the center post, the barrel is lifted so the toothpicks are over the center post and then lowered. A toothpick will usually be deposited on the post to remove and use.

Lee Koepke
10-15-2010, 9:30 PM
This is my entry for the Fall Turning Contest. Down to the wire (literally) due to a limping lathe!!!

This is a Walnut Candle Stand, it sits 14" tall with a 4" top for the candle. The body is approximately 1 1/2" diameter.

I have sanded it to 800 with a coat of BLO. This batch of air dried walnut has been truly spectacular, my photography doesn't do it justice.

Thanks again to SMC for putting together this contest and for the donation of the wonderful prizes. I enjoyed creating this and appreciate the opportunity.

Kevin Stanbary
10-15-2010, 10:11 PM
This set of candlesticks is my entry for the spindle category of the contest. I had this idea for candlesticks based on the shape of a crystal set my wife has and a scrap of bocote I wanted to incorporate into them. This contest gave me an excuse to try it out.

Heights are 6 1/2", 8 1/2" and 10 1/2", each roughly 2 1/2" in diameter. Black locust and bocote, finished with 6 coats of home made danish oil and buffed to a dull sheen with a towel. I had heard that black locust fluoresces under a black-light and decided to try it; it certainly does although the picture does not do it justice.

Thanks to the SMC and the mods for putting this contest on, all of you for looking, and the vendors for sponsoring the contest.