View Full Version : Now For Something Different

Jon Lanier
09-30-2010, 8:52 PM
Cherry Burl Hollow Form (from the same burl I've been posting)
About 8-9 inches wide and about 4 inches tall.

Totally dripped/soaked in CA Glue to fill in cracks. I used Baking Soda as an accelerate. (something I had seen on a science channel) Bad thing was it turned all the cracks white. After, drying it was turned again then sanded. I then used some Cherry stain (hoping to do something with the leftover white cracks). After the stain dried I sanded down to 320. Then I put 6 coats of poly wipe.

I don't know how this shape happened, but something about the way it was coming out I liked. I think of it as if I was in the 1950's and this is something 'they' would say would be the shape of the 'future.'

David DeCristoforo
09-30-2010, 8:56 PM
I'll bet it looks interesting...???

Jon Lanier
09-30-2010, 8:56 PM
Oops... Pictures. Just a sec.... :rolleyes:

David E Keller
09-30-2010, 9:20 PM
It looks like a cherry burl mushroom cloud!:D I'd call it 'Atomic Hollowform'.

That's pretty wood, and the cracks turned out great.

Bernie Weishapl
09-30-2010, 9:32 PM
That is a really nice piece Jon. The wood is awesome. I like the overall from but not a fan of the foot but that is just me.

Mike Cruz
09-30-2010, 9:44 PM
Have to agree with David...kinda. Looks like a mushroom to me. Kinda neat.

Baxter Smith
09-30-2010, 10:04 PM
Beautiful wood and finish on the top. The bottom does remind me of the 50's and 60's look since you mentioned it. I can just picture some magazine adds for furniture styles or home woodworking projects.

William Hutchinson
10-01-2010, 6:39 AM
Trying something different is like a "box of chocolate" and tends to have polarizing responses. However, that's how we develop our talents and designs that go beyond the safe confines of the norm. Nice material choice and good job working around the flaws.

John Keeton
10-01-2010, 7:02 AM
Jon, you did a great job on this turning. I like the form - minus the foot, but, I do agree with the others about the 'retro' look. From above, it does lift the piece a bit for a nice effect. Beautiful wood!