View Full Version : Walnut oil finish

kevin nee
09-30-2010, 12:32 PM
I am using Walnut oil as a finish on some salad bowls. My question is about signing walnut oil finish. Any sugustion that won't bleed? Also what would you sign dark walnut or mahogany with? Thanks in advance,

Al Wasser
09-30-2010, 1:21 PM
First, don't finish the bottom until you sign it. I prefer burning over any type marker I have tried. ON dark wood burning still works but is harder to read. You can experiment with a white or silver marker but I have not found good longevity with anything but burning especially if the item gets used.

Sean Hughto
09-30-2010, 1:30 PM
I agree completely with Al. I sign everything with a burner. And as Al says, burn first and then apply the oil/wax. Otherwise the burner makes a lot of smoke and doen't burn as cleanly. Attached is an example on Walnut:

Reed Gray
09-30-2010, 3:22 PM
There are paint pens in some art stores. They work well, and dry almost instantly. They come in dark and light colors. If you use a sharpie, or india ink pen, they can bleed after you sign them, and then apply the oil. If there is any oil on the bowl when you try to sigh it, you will ruin the pen. I do too many bowls to burn them in.

robo hippy

Thomas Canfield
09-30-2010, 9:41 PM
I saw the Dremel etching tool used to sign at SWAT a couple of years ago, and that has worked well for me since I don't use a fancy signature and usually about 3/16" high letters. I do the etching sometimes before the finish, but often after the 1st coat and prior to the next 2+ for oil finish.

Cathy Schaewe
09-30-2010, 11:11 PM
You can use some sort of etching/engraving tool and rub some gold or bronze wax into it ....

Bernie Weishapl
09-30-2010, 11:19 PM
I do exactly what Cathy has suggested. I get the gold wax from Brownell's. Use a engraving tool as I had seen Cindy Drozda use.