View Full Version : Stupid poll for the day....

Robert McGowen
09-29-2010, 4:22 PM
I have been playing around with different shapes the past 2 weeks and have got it out of my system now. :D

So, not considering the finish or the wood, which shape do you prefer?

If you want to comment why you like or don't like a particular shape or form, that would be great!

#1 162903

#2 162906

#3 162905

#4 162904

Sean Hughto
09-29-2010, 4:25 PM
I would rank them 1, 3, 4, 2. None of them are bad. Just my gut reactions as to the visceral apeal of the forms.

John Keeton
09-29-2010, 4:54 PM
Ditto on Sean's ranking. IMO, it was a clear choice putting them in that order, but obviously others may feel differently.

Wally Dickerman
09-29-2010, 5:03 PM
Robert, All of these except #1 are good but could be better. It would be interesting to hear what you think of these yourself.

#1 is near perfect in form. The curves are right on.

On #2 the curves just don't work well for me. Almost flattens out in the middle portion.

#3, The widest part of the vessel in the middle. IMO, above or below center is more attractive. The rule of thirds is a good place to start when developing forms.

#4 is close but would be more attractrive if the both the foot and the rim were smaller.

You're on the right track. Keep it up. Your request for reasons why a piece is liked on not liked is good. A critique just listing then #1 to #4 isn't worth much.


Jim Underwood
09-29-2010, 5:28 PM
I'd rank them 1, 4, 2, 3, with 3 and 2 so close it's almost a tossup.

Other's have said about 2, 3, and 4 what I would have said. On number one, I'll tell you that I would make a smoother recurve in the neck. For my taste I like a little larger cove.

Other than that, fantastic hollow forms! I wish I'd gotten as far as making this many without blowing most of them up...

John Beaver
09-29-2010, 6:02 PM
Here's what I think

#1 (favorite) the base is a good proportion to the diameter, and the curve flows nicely. The apex is at that pleasing 2/3 point and the opening is a nice proportion.

#2 The base is too wide and the shoulder is too sharp and high. The opening is a little too small for my taste.

#3 Nice curve and proportions but the apex is too near the middle of the vase

#4 Again a nice curve but the base is too wide and flat, it should tuck in a little.

Dennis Ford
09-29-2010, 6:19 PM
I voted for #1, they are all nice, I just like that one the best.

Joe Shinall
09-29-2010, 7:00 PM
As soon as I saw number one, without even seeing the rest, I said it's gonna be hard to beat that one. Very easy on the eyes.

Tony De Masi
09-29-2010, 7:10 PM
Maybe I suck at giving critiques but I like number 3 the best. Why? To me the curve on the body has no "shoulder" to compete with. It's just a nice gentle curve to the entire piece. Probably breaks the rule of three but maybe it was made to be broken anyway. Who made up that rule anyway?

Cathy Schaewe
09-29-2010, 7:42 PM
For me, (and keep in mind I have absolutely no artistic sensibility - I just like what I like), it's 3, 1, 4. Just plain don't care for 2. The lip is too thick and no transition.

The reason I like 3 better than one is that it's more slender, and with a smaller foot than 1. However, I do think the proportion of the top part with the rest of it is better on 1 than on 3; on 3, it's a little large to go with the rest of the form.

However, those opinions are worth exactly what you paid for them! I only commented because you're not likely to get many comments from women on this forum, other than me and Michelle perhaps.


Baxter Smith
09-29-2010, 10:40 PM
1 then 4. I like the curves and the location of the widest part of the vase as well as the size of the neck and base. 2 and 3 don't appeal to me nearly as much.

David E Keller
09-29-2010, 10:49 PM
I'm with Tony and Cathy... I like 3 the best. You might be able to manipulate the photos in Photoshop (or something similar) to make the negative B&W images. That would be a great way to visually eliminate color and finish from the equation. BTW, which on do you like the best?

Robert McGowen
09-29-2010, 11:49 PM
Here is the short (maybe long!) story.

Vase #3 was turned first. It came out amazingly well as far as the wood and the finish (too me anyway). It looks good in person, but I was not sure if it needed a more defined curve, "shoulders" as someone referred to it. I thought that if I had a "starting" point that I could refer to, I would be able to be more sure of my forms. This started me on the Rule of Thirds.

Vase #4 was turned second. I used the Rule of Thirds, but was not exactly sure how to apply it. For example, if this vase was 6" tall, the widest point would be 2/3rds of the height, or 4", and that point would be located 2/3rds from the bottom, or 4" from the bottom. I then made the base 1/3rd of the height, or 2". After posting, Wally Dickerman pointed out that the base should be 1/3rd of the widest point, not the height. Since the base was too large, that threw the mouth size off also.

Vase #1 was turned third. This vase exactly follows the Rule of Thirds. The vase is exactly 6" tall. It widest point is 4" and that point is located 2/3rds or 4" from the bottom. The base is 1/3rd of the 4" diameter, or 1.33" wide.

Vase #2 was the last vase turned. I thought that I needed another option for the poll. I turned it today using only a skew. It took about 5 minutes to turn and is exactly 1" tall and was hollowed with a drill bit. I placed the shoulder too high, but hey, I only had an inch of room and was using a SKEW. :cool:

So the results are pretty definitive. As I type this, vase #1 has almost 70% as the most liked form. This is the vase that exactly follows the Rule of Thirds. Vase #2 and #4 are tied for last place and #3 is just a couple of votes above them. So I would have to say that the Rule of Thirds is a very good starting point and how far from that you stray just defines your style (or lack of gouge control :rolleyes:).

Wally Dickerman's post appears to exactly follow the progression of the vases, which was kind of interesting to read. Thanks for everyone's opinion and thoughts.
The Rule of Thirds is officially proven for me! :D

Oh yeah, I like the form of vase #1 the best, but if I was going to keep only one of these 4, it would be #3.

Bernie Weishapl
09-29-2010, 11:53 PM
I like #1, then 4, 3, and 2.

James Combs
09-29-2010, 11:53 PM
1,4,3,2 for me. If you had a 4 with 1's top that would be my number one.

Scott Lux
10-01-2010, 4:50 PM
For me it was #1, #4, #2, #3. #1 and #4 are classic shapes. #2 is really nice in that it looks earlier, or more primitive. At least to me, it looks like the one dated 600 years earlier than the others.

First one is the best though, no doubt.

Dan Cannon
10-01-2010, 7:25 PM
I'm going with number 4, for some reason I just like the proportions. I have no training or experience with what the proportions are "supposed" to be on this type of vessel, but that one makes me say "I really like that". I'd follow with number 1, then it's a toss up between the other two. With all that being said, they are all fantastic, and I can only hope to approach making one like those some day.

Don Alexander
10-02-2010, 12:26 AM
#1 i like the best the wood grain and the shape are a great match

#3 and #4 are about even for second IMO #3 might be a bit ahead if i could see the grain better i could tell #4 has the grain but trails #3 in the shape part top is too wide on #4 and the bottom just kinda stops

#2 is a distant last "the knob" look on the top detracts from it quite a bit

all are good pieces though enough different to be a good contrast to spark some creative discussion :)