View Full Version : Spalted Walnut HF

Bill Bolen
09-28-2010, 5:33 PM
Spalted sap wood HF is 10"x6" and finished with 8 coats of gloss poly and then buffed. I found it odd that the collar is from the same log as the hf but is a much more chocolate brown when compared to the body. I've had some health issues that have kept me off of the lathe and out of the shop since early April. Finally behind me, I hope. Guess this is my first real attempt at getting back to normal.

Roger Chandler
09-28-2010, 5:38 PM
Glad that you are better now! Great that you can get back at the lathe. This is a beautiful hollow form. Tremendous finish on it, and the form is quite good.

Thanks for posting!

Mark Hubl
09-28-2010, 5:39 PM

Glad that you are feeling better and getting back to the lathe. That is a lovely piece of walnut. Love the work and the detail work on the collar. Really shiny.

Josh Bowman
09-28-2010, 5:43 PM
Glad you feel better. Love the HF!

John Keeton
09-28-2010, 7:43 PM
William, glad you are doing better - nice re-entry!! Beautiful wood and finish on this one.

Karl Card
09-28-2010, 7:50 PM
and yet another finish to die for. That finish is amazing. I have not ever seen spalted walnut, and wow that is nice. Good, errr, great job.

charlie knighton
09-28-2010, 8:21 PM
very nice....

David E Keller
09-28-2010, 8:30 PM
Nicely done... Doesn't look like you've missed a beat. I'm happy to hear that you're feeling better

Bernie Weishapl
09-28-2010, 9:59 PM
Good to see ya back turning. That is beauty.

Steve Schlumpf
09-28-2010, 10:10 PM
Beautiful work William! Hope you are back to 100% and can start spending some time in the shop!

Seriously - hope you are feeling better!

Richard Madden
09-28-2010, 11:26 PM
William, glad to hear you are doing better. I had noticed no posts from you. That's a beautiful piece you have there, and the finish is great. Don't know if you remember, but you helped me with my articulated arm hollower build. That thing works so nice, thanks to your help.

Bob Wolfe
09-29-2010, 1:22 AM
Bill, It's good to see you up and around and turning beautiful hollow forms again. Man, that is just stunning, I don't think I've seen spalted walnut before. Very nice shape too and great finish (as always).

Leo Van Der Loo
09-29-2010, 1:38 AM
Spalted sap wood HF is 10"x6" and finished with 8 coats of gloss poly and then buffed. I found it odd that the collar is from the same log as the hf but is a much more chocolate brown when compared to the body. I've had some health issues that have kept me off of the lathe and out of the shop since early April. Finally behind me, I hope. Guess this is my first real attempt at getting back to normal.

Good to hear you are able to get back turning again Bill, good health is the most important thing, and hope you are feeling well again.
The HF of course is up to your high standards, wouldn't expect anything else :D, sure looks like glass that finish you put on it, nice :D

Baxter Smith
09-29-2010, 7:27 AM
Glad you are feeling better. That looks like a high gloss finish!

Tim Rinehart
09-29-2010, 7:53 AM
That's a super nice looking piece of walnut, great form and finish. I have a good deal of walnut, but no spalting in any of it. Did you spalt this yourself, or naturally occurred?
I would love to see details on that collar, looks like you did some carving or other texturing??

bob svoboda
09-29-2010, 9:05 AM
VERY nice. Glad you are feeling better. Will look forward to seeing more of you work.

Rob Cunningham
09-29-2010, 12:52 PM
Very nice piece William. A beautiful finish.
I'm glad you're feeling better and getting some shop time.

Bill Bolen
09-29-2010, 1:01 PM
Tim: detail of collar. Bit of texturing in the double ring.