View Full Version : Quarersawn Red Oak

Matt Jutte
09-28-2010, 4:09 PM
TO all of the wise ones out there: I have stumbled across a deal for some QS red oak that is FAS 1&2 for a relative low cost. My plan was to build a few dressers/end tables wth it but do not want to build the entire carcass from solid oak. What would it look like finished with a veneer carcass and QS red oak for the top-face frame and drawer fronts? I know most people would not even notice but I will know!

What is the opinion form the group out there?????


Jeff Monson
09-28-2010, 4:54 PM
Matt, I built a really nice dressor from qsro, I did resaw and veneer the 2 end panels..but they were in a solid frame. I only saved a few board feet in the long run. If done correctly veneer panels are fine in my book. There is alot of high quality furniture built with veneers.

Ted Wong
09-28-2010, 5:21 PM
Would you be sawing your own veneer or purchasing it? If it is the later you most likely will have a color difference between the solid and veneer.
And if the solid material you purchase isn't all from the same tree you'll also most likely have color differences but in this case the differences would be more random appearing.

Jim Becker
09-28-2010, 9:46 PM
I'd use it no problem...but I'd build the projects entirely with solid stock, too... ;)

Sam Layton
09-29-2010, 12:52 AM
Hi Matt,

Welcome to the Creek. I am another one for solid wood. If I were going to use ply, I would want to resaw my own veneer. That said, I just don't like any ply showing.


Joe Chritz
09-30-2010, 7:39 AM
I have a large library done from QS red. Overall I like WO better but the red is very nice. Smaller flecks seems to be the only real different I noted.

I used flat sawn plywood for the areas that aren't visible from the outside and even those are fairly noticeable if you know what you are looking at.

Qs veneer plywood would look just fine.


Curt Harms
09-30-2010, 3:28 PM
Even plywood can look pretty nice if it's flat sawn. You won't find plywood other than rotary cut at borgs in my experience. Flat sawn red oak ply doesn't have the huge repeating cathedral grain, it looks more like you resawed solid boards and applied them side by side(which may be what happens.)

James Phillips
09-30-2010, 3:55 PM
Even plywood can look pretty nice if it's flat sawn. You won't find plywood other than rotary cut at borgs in my experience. Flat sawn red oak ply doesn't have the huge repeating cathedral grain, it looks more like you resawed solid boards and applied them side by side(which may be what happens.)

To me rotary cut has a very bizarre appearance and I avoid it at all cost (I really do not use much ply anyway). Most flat sawn ply is slip-matched I think. You still see the cathedrals, side by side by side by side (you get the picture).

For the OP if you want to use ply on the project for stability resaw the QSRO just under 1/8 slip match it and glue it to baltic birch. By keeping the veneer thick you do not need a vacuum press, but after the glue up you can plane it a little to smooth it out and be thin enough to avoid wood movement problems

Matt Jutte
10-01-2010, 11:45 AM
Thanks for your input. After comparing costs of the "veneer sheetgoods" that are avalable vs. 2.25/BF of Oak i am planning on getting the glue out and making the panels.

Thanks for the input!