View Full Version : Rubbing olive oil in the finish

paul cottingham
09-27-2010, 6:25 PM
So someone I know (I'll call her "my MIL") rubs olive oil into her wood furniture to "rejuvenate" it. Viscerally, I struggle wit this. Any thoughts?

Steve Schoene
09-27-2010, 6:49 PM
It is vegetable oil that will turn rancid, while doing absolutely nothing to protect the furniture finish, or wood. It's only "rejuvenation" is the wet oily look, but that will catch dust. A really, really, bad idea. No redeeming features what so ever -- other than not making refinishing a major challange by being silicone spray.

If she must rub stuff on furniture give her a can of non-silicone paste wax --it will do no harm at least. I'd use naphtha to remove the oily residue first.

Chris Padilla
09-27-2010, 7:05 PM
Sounds like one of those MIL Tales. :)

paul cottingham
09-27-2010, 8:10 PM
I used quotes to disguise the fact I'm talking about my MIL. Was I not subtle enough?

She rubbed it into my floors where they were scratched, and into something she gave us. I don't think she touched anything I made....

Tom Giacomo
09-28-2010, 11:36 PM
Maybe she just needs a good salad.

paul cottingham
09-29-2010, 12:18 AM
Or she will soon need a good finish stripper. And it won't be me....