View Full Version : bottom of the vortex

Sean Hughto
09-27-2010, 2:50 PM
So I'm about pass the one year anniversary of having fallen head first into the vortex. After having been an avid flat woodworker for many years, I haven't produced much that wasn't spinny-derived in last 12 months. I was amused at myself this weekend when on Saturday I finally had to tear myself away from the lathe long enough to build something flat oriented (a simple shelf) to make room for rough outs so I've have room to move around the shop and keep turning! Yep, this is what the bottom of the vortex looks like!

Here's a little photo montage that captures the shelf and the sort of "feel" of a once proud flat woodworking shop,today, after it's year in the vortex (and no, I couln't bear to the show the table saw top with turning paraphenalia on it):


And thanks to everyone at SMC for making my flight through this tornado that is the vortex so fun and rewarding! Cheers!

Michael James
09-27-2010, 3:06 PM
Sean, I believe that everyone should have a passion about something in life. It's nice to see your commitment to yours! Could have made some way worse choices......:eek: Congratulations.

Tim Rinehart
09-27-2010, 3:09 PM
and no, I couln't bear to the show the table saw top with turning paraphenalia on it:

That's so funny and so true. My horizontal surfaces got so loaded up, I took all of yesterday to clean up and get back to where I have space to put all that same stuff back!!!

Congrats on your anniversary Sean!

Roger Chandler
09-27-2010, 3:13 PM
Ahhh, ............the fond memories of days gone by, where flatwork was the aspiration of the next production ;) Alas, the tug of the VORTEX is indeed a strong one, but there are still a few of us out here that are still trying to maintain a balance between the "spinny" and the flat things!

I will acknowledge, when I go to the shop my time at the lathe is probably 10 times more than my beloved table saw anymore! I think it is because I am trying to master the lathe like I have the other tools, and find and infinite number of designs that can be made from a hunk of wood, and I have not explored but a very few, so far.

I can also make a project with only one piece of wood on the lathe, but a piece of furniture can take many, and require all those glue ups, etc.

I gotta get a grip on myself, or my skills in flat work might need some honing, just like my chisels! :)

BTW Sean, really nice shelves!

bob svoboda
09-27-2010, 3:46 PM
Had to laugh at your post--too true! However, if you are at the bottom of the vortex, why does it feel that I'm looking up at you?:eek:

Richard Madden
09-27-2010, 4:18 PM
Sean, so much of what you are saying I can relate to. I did a flatwork job for my son and DIL back in March, a fireplace surround, cabinets and bookshelves, other than that, all turning. It's a sickness I tell ya, but boy I'm enjoying it.

Steve Schlumpf
09-27-2010, 4:20 PM
Sean - you've come a long way in a years time! Just wait until you have been turning 4, 5 or more years - you will probably have to build an additional shelf by then!

Have fun!

Ray Bell
09-27-2010, 4:33 PM
Congrats on the anniversary Sean, but do you really ever reach the bottom of the vortex? I can relate to the spinning/flat work dilemma. The only time I have turned on my tablesaw in the last several months had something to do with making a jig for a turning:rolleyes:

Leo Van Der Loo
09-27-2010, 4:38 PM
Sean you haven't seen the bottom yet, not by a long shot :rolleyes: Shelves ??, you need a building for those roughouts, and yes more room for the wood supply :eek:, someone around here was saying that I didn't need any more wood, and making fun of my stash :(

162753 162754 162751

Oh there's much more you can't even see :eek: :p :D

Roger Chandler
09-27-2010, 5:08 PM
Sean you haven't seen the bottom yet, not by a long shot :rolleyes: Shelves ??, you need a building for those roughouts, and yes more room for the wood supply :eek:, someone around here was saying that I didn't need any more wood, and making fun of my stash :(

162753 162754 162751

Oh there's much more you can't even see :eek: :p :D

Now that is aSERIOUS woodturner! I would venture to say that even Leo has not reached the bottom yet!

There is no hope for the rest of us :eek::eek::eek:!

Pete Jordan
09-27-2010, 5:24 PM
You have come a long way in a short time!

You have a nice setup there.

If I can make a recommendation I would suggest you try a bowl gouge on that lathe. I think you would get finer cut:)

John Keeton
09-27-2010, 5:52 PM
Sean, a year ago yesterday, I posted (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=121142&page=2) my first "turning." A prototype of a leg design that ultimately adapted for a set of table legs, it was the first of what I was sure would be the occasional use of the lathe for furniture building. Never, in my wildest dreams, would I have envisioned what has happened since.

I would be embarrassed to post a pic of the turning wood I have accumulated.:eek::o

I am even more embarrassed to admit that I have around 2,000 bd. ft of walnut, cherry, white oak, etc. for flat work that may never succumb to its intended purpose!!!:o:(

Sounds like we have slid down this vortex hand in hand!

Karl Card
09-27-2010, 5:55 PM
Sean you haven't seen the bottom yet, not by a long shot :rolleyes: Shelves ??, you need a building for those roughouts, and yes more room for the wood supply :eek:, someone around here was saying that I didn't need any more wood, and making fun of my stash :(

162753 162754 162751

Oh there's much more you can't even see :eek: :p :D

That simply is not a phrase that a person should say, you dont need any wood... phewy on them... You can never have too much wood.

Baxter Smith
09-27-2010, 7:38 PM
Congratulations Sean! Nice shelf but....the bottom? I remember reading a post less than a year ago (when I first started reading the Turners Forum) where a guy said he had more than 200 bowl blanks that he needed to someday finish. I thought he must be nuts or a heck of a procrastinator, but after a little over 9 months with bowls... I will reserve judgement.:)

Bill Bulloch
09-27-2010, 7:50 PM
Sean, I know the feeling. I am in the process of building a shed next to my shop for the sole purpose of holding wood and blanks. I, too, have simply ran out of room for this stuff. I might even have to add a room to the house to hold the completed turnings.

Nice job.

David E Keller
09-27-2010, 8:21 PM
Happy Anniversary! I think if I've learned anything from this thread it was from Leo's pictures... Attempts at organizing the clutter are futile!:eek:

Thomas Canfield
09-27-2010, 9:12 PM

You have a long ways to go. I am not as "blessed" as Leo, but my wood stash is about to take over my shop. The table saw and outfeed table do make a nice finishing table and storage area for bowls in progress and different turning equipment including 4 sanders. My 8" jointer makes a good shelf. Turning was not part of the original plan for my shop and now it occupies about 80% of shop time and space. Finished work is another story for later.

David DeCristoforo
09-27-2010, 9:18 PM
Leo's got you beat by a million miles!!! I have the feeling he was born into the vortex and has spent most of his life there! But you're doing good.

Donny Lawson
09-27-2010, 9:46 PM
I'm glad you all have plenty of wood "IN" the shop.I did have my floor,rafters and any shelf I had full of blanks or wood waiting its turn on the lathe but the shop fire several weeks ago put a stop to all of that.I have been collecting special wood for about 2yrs and it all went up in a matter of minutes. I had dozens of roughed out bowl blanks that are now gone.I have noticed a few here and there that might still be salvageable but for some odd reason I just don't want to even go to the shop. I guess it's because I know what it was and I really don't want to face it. I am in the slow process of a new shop but sometimes I just wonder if it's all really worth it. I guess this is something that takes time to recover from. I do have a meeting with our local woodturners club tomorrow evening and maybe I can get some encouragement to get things wound back up again.

David E Keller
09-27-2010, 10:35 PM
Hang in there, Donny. Just remember wood grows on trees!:D

Steve Mawson
09-27-2010, 10:51 PM
Agree with David,
Hang in the Donny, you just have to get back on the horse. You found the wood the first time, more out there.

Really a nice looking place. Been using dry wood so go from start to finish without drying blanks.

Leo Van Der Loo
09-28-2010, 1:40 AM
I'm glad you all have plenty of wood "IN" the shop.I did have my floor,rafters and any shelf I had full of blanks or wood waiting its turn on the lathe but the shop fire several weeks ago put a stop to all of that.I have been collecting special wood for about 2yrs and it all went up in a matter of minutes. I had dozens of roughed out bowl blanks that are now gone.I have noticed a few here and there that might still be salvageable but for some odd reason I just don't want to even go to the shop. I guess it's because I know what it was and I really don't want to face it. I am in the slow process of a new shop but sometimes I just wonder if it's all really worth it. I guess this is something that takes time to recover from. I do have a meeting with our local woodturners club tomorrow evening and maybe I can get some encouragement to get things wound back up again.

I can understand you are feeling down about all this that you lost, but you know if all these pieces were sold (to the insurance co.) you should be glad in a way, what a sale :)

The other thing, this is not about making a lot of bowls or hollow forms etc, but it is all about feeling good and having fun, doing something you enjoy, and yes it is a mess now and all the work etc, but I think that you did have fun in there turning wood, just keep on keeping on, you'll get through this mess and life will be OK again.
Donny, take care and have fun :D :D