View Full Version : Weekend at Bernie's...I mean Tony's

Mike Cruz
09-26-2010, 11:14 PM
Okay, it wasn't a whole weekend, but it was a Sunday. Today in fact. And what a day...

I got there around noon and didn't leave until 6PM. Tony De Masi is a VERY patient man. It took a few moments for me to take in the view, scenery and absolutely beautiful setting at Tony's property. But it didn't take too long before we were cutting up some Walnut...again. This was the other half of that really big Walnut log that we cut up 1/2 of a week or so back. This cutting went SUPER fast due to two things: the log wasnt' rotten inside, so we didnt' have to think much about chunkin' up the logs; and my sawyer was kind enough to flatten two sides of the log before dumping it into my truck on Saturday. Look closely at the pic of my slabs in my pick up bed and you can see what happened to my wheel well when it got dumped in. :eek: Not his fault, I told him to do it and not worry about what happens...

Anyway, this will take about 5 posts to get all the pics in. There were more, but believe it or not, I didn't include all of them. And if you are wondering why Tony is doing all the cutting, it is because I just got Cortisone shots in both elbows on Friday to combat tennis elbow...yes in both arms at once...yes it sucks, and is very debilitating. While I probably shouldn't have been lifting and rolling the logs around, at least that wasn't the motion that "hurts".

So, you ready for some seriously pretty wood? Here we go...

First pic is of Tony taking off the cracked end of the log. He took so much off because, if you look closely, you can see there is a rotten spot on the end and the checks looked like they were kinda deep. In retrospect, we could have taken maybe an inch less off. It was my call.

Second is what we discovered inside.

Third is of the first chunk.

Fourth and fifth are more of what this log looked like inside.

Mike Cruz
09-26-2010, 11:17 PM
First pic is yet another look at what is inside.

Next four pics are of how one of the chunks was getting sectioned off.

Mike Cruz
09-26-2010, 11:20 PM
This is a continuation of cutting up chunks.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-26-2010, 11:22 PM
Lucky duck.....Lucky duck.....Lucky duck!

Mike Cruz
09-26-2010, 11:27 PM
The first one is the last of the chunking pics.

The second pic is of the ONE piece that Tony kept! I REALLY wanted him to take more, but he refused. Too bad no one else showed up for this. I wanted a couple (2 or 3) blanks from this one...no more. Oh, well...:rolleyes:

Anyway, the third is a close up of Tony's chunk.

The fourth of of the beautiful Virginia mountain view he has, and I got to share today.

The fifth pic is my haul home. (Note the wheel well...:eek:) Never mind the dent to the bed under that 3/4" thick rubber mat!

Mike Cruz
09-26-2010, 11:35 PM
Last one! Everyone keeps wondering what is inside...Well here it is! Tony guided me through turning my first wet bowl. It is 9 inches across. We left the walls a little under an inch thick. I didn't measure, but it is about 5-6" tall. And the pics don't do the wood justice. The colors are amazing.

And since this is Tony and my THIRD meeting, and we had yet to get a photo together, Tony's wife was kind enough to do the honors. Of course, with the breath taking back drop from along side their home.

One other thing we got to do today is turn a handle for my bowl gouge (which was WAY too short). I brought some Cocobolo and Ash, and actually went with the Ash for this handle. The handle ended up being 16" or so long.

THANKS A MILLION YET AGAIN, TONY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really had a ball and enjoyed spending the day at your property immensely. You have been invaluable, and you are truely a saint.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-26-2010, 11:44 PM
Congrats to both of you! Creeker gatherings are incredible!

Michael James
09-26-2010, 11:45 PM
Looks like a lot of fun work, and some great wood.... whew. Envy.....:eek:

Ray Bell
09-27-2010, 12:16 AM
You have some wonderful wood there, and I WANT TO LIVE WHERE TONY LIVES!

Greg Ketell
09-27-2010, 1:14 AM
Wow that is some stellar wood!! I'm glad you guys had fun.

John Keeton
09-27-2010, 7:22 AM
Good times and some great wood! Couple of observations - Mike, you are way too young to be having shoulder troubles already! Take care of that body - only one you get - well, in this lifetime.

And, Tony, you have a beautiful setting! Just gorgeous!

Mike Cruz
09-27-2010, 7:46 AM
Well, John, the good news is that my shoulders are fine! The bad news is that it is my elbows that hurt...:mad: :D Body parts are failing left and right...:(

David E Keller
09-27-2010, 8:29 AM
That looks like a lot of fun. What a beautiful area! Congrats on the wood and the friendship.

Tim Rinehart
09-27-2010, 9:11 AM
Good fellowship, good wood, good views...what else can someone ask for.

The preliminary's on that wood look outstanding, can't wait to see with a finish. I could tell from the early pics it was going to be something special from the cross sections after a few cuts.

It's like prospecting I guess...the excitement of finding something unexpected (at least all the time).

Thanks for sharing the outing. And Tony...you do have some outstanding views from your home...quite inspiring I'm sure. I love the mountains and hope to make the Blue Ridge mts my home someday.

bob svoboda
09-27-2010, 9:16 AM
There's so many gloats there I don't know where to best direct my jealousy. Congrat's-looks like a good time and some awesome wood.

Roger Chandler
09-27-2010, 9:28 AM
Congrats on the wood haul Mike. Tony sent me a PM last week and invited me to come up and join you two in this endeavor, which I would love to have done, but my Sunday responsibilities kept me from doing it.

Maybe I will be able to get with Tony another time. He has a beautiful place it seems from the pictures.

Great piece of walnut, with a lot of figure in the grain. There should be some very nice turnings in that log! I really like the way you and Tony cut up the blanks on this, it utilized the wood very well.

Tony De Masi
09-27-2010, 11:58 AM
It sure was a great day. Thanks for coming out Mike even though you had thought Front Royal was the other side of the world:D The cutting of this one sure took a lot less time than the first one. Tell your sawyer thanks from me. He saved us more than a few balancing acts for sure.

Sorry you couldn't make it Roger as Mike is real persistent when it comes to giving out his wood. I can't tell you how many times I heard " you take this one ". Eventually I just had to give him the evil eye instead of saying "no, it's yours".

As for the comments on the views from our homesite, all I can take credit for is being at the right place at the right time.

Mike Cruz
09-27-2010, 12:20 PM
Tony, you were a gracious host. If you'll have me back, we can do it again. Wanna cut up an Ash or Cherry? I don't burn either and when one comes down, well, it is either going to rot or needs to be cut up into blanks! We need to make this a party...either here or at Tony's.

Baxter Smith
09-27-2010, 7:56 PM
That looked like a lot of fun. Wish it wasn't quite so much of a drive or I would be tempted!

Mike Cruz
09-27-2010, 9:31 PM
It would have been! Sorry you couldn't have made it. As a matter of fact, I was just thinking about something today while making blanks out of the chunks I got from this log... How much would you pay at Woodcraft or any other retailer for that matter, for these blanks? I mean, I've got everything from 3 1/2" to 11 3/4" blanks here. The 11 3/4" is by design...meaning that I have a 12" lathe, so I can't turn anything larger. Even at 11 3/4", I'll be lucky to get them to be able to turn first try. Anyway, what are these blanks worth? If you had gone home with 1/2 of what I brought home, wouldn't that be worth more than the gas you spent driving over? I wish others had shown up, I really do. I had every intention of keeping a choice one or two pieces and giving the rest to Tony (but he wouldn't take it :mad:) or anyone else who showed.

Here's what I ended up with...from THIS time alone...doesn't count what Tony and I cut up a week or so ago...

3 @ 11 3/4"
4 @ 10"
2 @ 9"
2 @ 8"
1 @ 7 1/2"
1 @ 6"
2 @ 5 1/2"
6 @ 5"
4 @ 4"
10 @ 3 1/2"

And just about every one of these pieces is figured or has charicter. I don't think there is a straight grain plain piece in it. And of the ones that are plainER, their color variations with the purples, browns, and greens is stunning.

The first pic is of all the blanks cut up, sitting on my TS.

The second is them all sitting on my plywood table (which I use for painting the blanks). I sit them all on leftover strips of the insulation I put on my ceiling (3" foam board).

The third of the painted blanks.

And the fourth is of the pile of scraps. I hate to even throw this stuff away, but I know I've gotta.

The reason I got so many 3 1/2" blanks was that I couldn't bear to throw stuff away. When I cut out the 10" and 11 3/4" blanks, they left the wood that became 3 1/2" blanks. On others, I made two 8's or a 9 and a 6, or whatever.

35 blanks in all...How much would that be worth at a store? :rolleyes:

charlie knighton
09-27-2010, 9:38 PM
thanks for sharing

Roger Chandler
09-27-2010, 9:41 PM

You have some wonderful stuff there! I have no idea what it would be worth in a store, but being highly figured like it is, most likely it would garner some premium prices.

Just a note for your safety. It looks like a lot of walnut is in your turning future, so please use something to protect your lungs. Some people can have dramatic problems with their lungs, and some develop over extended exposure to the dust, so please do take care to use some breathing protection, and maybe some gloves and long sleeves to protect your skin, just in case you might be one that has sensitivity to walnut.

Your offer was so generous, and I am sorry I could not join in the fun there at Tony's.

Baxter Smith
09-27-2010, 9:46 PM
Go ahead, make me feel bad!:) Just did the map thing to Front Royal Va. 175.2 miles or 3 hrs and 22 minutes one way. About 60 in gas, a few more for the bridge and tolls, but sometimes you can't put a price on fun!:D

Donny Lawson
09-27-2010, 9:56 PM
With your scraps you can still make some nice pen blanks.

Mike Cruz
09-27-2010, 10:32 PM
Pen blanks! I didn't even think of that! Unfortunately, I don't turn pens. What sizes pieces do you need for turning pens? I just went out to the shop to see what I have compared to what I saw online as "pen blank sizes" which seem to be 3/4" x 3/4" by about 5 - 5 1/2". I can get some, but not a lot...unless I can go cross grain...then that opens a lot of posibilites. But if you need long grain with the above dimensions, I could maybe fill a small flat rate box. I saw another blank size online that was 2 1/2" long. That I could get more of... Unfortunately, I don't know how much of the figure is going to show on these little pieces...especially since they are near the edge of the wood, while not sapwood, it is straighter grained. Also, what really seems to be figured is the endgrain. So, I'd be happy to cut up the scraps and fill a small flat rate box and ship for $10. Anyone want it, let me know...

Steve Mawson
09-27-2010, 10:56 PM
Don't have any plans of moving west do you? What a great day, looks like a lot of fun.

Tony De Masi
09-28-2010, 7:50 AM
Steve, I've moved as far west as I'm going to. My next move is south if you know what I mean.:D

Mike Cruz
09-28-2010, 9:06 AM
Well, here's what I salvaged from the scrap pile. Again, I'm not a pen turner so I have no use for this stuff. Likewise, since I'm not a pen turner, I don't know exactly what sizes are required/preferred. So, I cut the small pieces to 3/4" x 3/4" x 5 - 5 1/2". The larger pieces I made about 1 1/2 - 1 5/8" X either 3/4" or 1 1/2 - 1 5/8" X 10 -13" long.

If anyone wants it, let me know! I can seal the ends with the same stuff I seal my bowls with (white latex paint) if you want, or I can leave them the way they are.

Steve Schlumpf
09-28-2010, 9:50 AM
Mike & Tony - congrats on all that beautiful wood! While I am sure it was fun - I also know how tiring the process can be!

Always good to see a couple of Creekers get together - especially when cutting up some great looking wood!