View Full Version : Ginko

Don McClure
09-25-2010, 8:00 PM
Our church just took down a diseased ginko tree. So I brought part of the trunk home, processed it and applied sealer to the ends. I tried a piece last night and found it easy to turn, reminded me of "fruit wood". I put that bowl in DNA for overnight and brown bagged it today. Does anyone have any experience turning this species? Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.

Steve Schlumpf
09-25-2010, 11:47 PM
Don - never turned any - so I'm looking forward to seeing your turning once finished!

Terry Quiram
09-26-2010, 9:14 AM
I have turned a couple pieces. One of the most bland and unassuming pieces of wood I ever turned. Love how well it turns and sands.

Bernie Weishapl
09-26-2010, 11:08 AM
I agree with Terry. Turned two pieces a couple of years ago. Very bland, do nothing wood. Turns, sands and finishes really nice. I saved a couple of pieces for air brushing.

Brian Myers
09-26-2010, 12:03 PM
I got some a number of years ago when a cemetary took down one that was infested with carpenter ants and rot. Huge old tree with beautiful grain (must have been spalted since others are saying theres was bland). Turns great,dries well, good wood and mine had a good smell while turning. Heres a not so great pic from when I was cutting up my haul . http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4087/5025974101_6742c0db40.jpg

Don McClure
09-26-2010, 1:03 PM
All the replies thus far confirm that it is eary turning wood. Any suggestion on finishes to make it look more attractive such as high lighting the grain?

ferguson jeff
09-27-2010, 1:59 PM
Ginko can be a rather plain wood, but lots of people have a love of the tree. It has been a pretty good seller. The wood is very soft, so don't worry about a perfect cut with the gouge, just be careful not to sand away too much wood.

As for finishes, but careful with oil finishes. I used Mahoney's malnut oil on a piece and it soaked up more than it's weight in oil before I finally gave up. Now I just use the oil/wax mix and it seems to work much better.

Good luck,