View Full Version : Spalted Holly -Will these zone lanes darken?

Baxter Smith
09-22-2010, 9:51 PM
Last April I posted some questions and pictures about some Holly I was trying to spalt. It spent the summer in the top of my barn staying nice and warm, and I assume moist, as everytime I opened the lid the condensation dripped off.
A couple days ago I decided I would clean off a blank and take a look.
There seemed to be somed to be some nice dark zone lines visible in either end. Just what I wanted! Cut the piece in two and although they were still visible, they weren't nearly as dark.
Made a small hollowform out of one of the pieces. Why I put a hole in it when I was only trying to rough it out is beyond me.:rolleyes: Not really! Sanded it for about a minute then put on some oil to see what it would have looked like!:)
Left it sitting on my tablesaw for a couple of days. Since I still have the question I wanted to ask, I just took a picture and will ask away!
Will the zone lines inside the wood become as dark as they were on the ends with more time? Whether they were a half inch in from the ends or 6 inches in, they seem to be the same at this time. I know I could just wait and see but I am curious. The wood seems to be pretty solid/turnable and I don't want to wait too long for something that is not going to happen. Any thoughts or experiences are appreciated!

John Keeton
09-22-2010, 9:58 PM
Baxter, I don't know much about the spalting process, but the spalted holly that I have has very prominent black zone lines throughout. I don't think it is done yet - but, it can ruin pretty quickly.

David Christopher
09-22-2010, 10:42 PM
Baxter, put it back in the bag, it will spalt more

add a little beer in the bag and it will spalt faster

Baxter Smith
09-23-2010, 8:54 AM
Baxter, I don't know much about the spalting process, but the spalted holly that I have has very prominent black zone lines throughout. I don't think it is done yet - but, it can ruin pretty quickly.
John, the spalted holly you posted was so distinctive it really got me wanting some. From what I have read, Dead Mans Fingers gives the most distinct zone lines and that probably was what caused the lines in the pieces you had. I didn't have that and didn't want to wait too long for what wasn't going to happen.

Baxter, put it back in the bag, it will spalt more

add a little beer in the bag and it will spalt faster
Thanks David, it is going to be getting some more time. The next time I am finished with all but cleaning up in the shop and have a little extra throat clearer to spare I may give it a try. If the shop is real messy I could have a couple and come back in an hour. I have read that works well too.;)

Faust M. Ruggiero
09-23-2010, 9:09 AM
Remember, David said, "Add a little beer in the bag". Drinking the beer while in the presence of the holly will not make dark lines in the holly and may only make it appear that way to you temporarily. You're having fun now!!

Leo Van Der Loo
09-23-2010, 2:32 PM
Baxter I don't have any experience with Holly spalting, or doing spalting in a artificial way, just conjecture here, but your spalting might have gone better if you had set it on damp dirt, you must have some location around your place that's shaded with no direct wind blowing, some corner where you could stash it with a bunch of half rotted leaves over it to keep it from drying out.
I don't think the lines would get darker while just sitting dry, but bleaching does seem to bring them out much better, at least that's my experience with using 2 part wood bleach on spalted Maple, and I assume Holly would do similar.
I hope your piece will get some more lines and gets to look more to your liking, I like to see it when done :-))