View Full Version : Fun On the New Lathe

Paul Douglass
09-22-2010, 10:47 AM
These are a few things I have turned on the new lathe.

Soapstone and Cocobolo candle holder


English walnut (from a tree I cut down) ring box



English Walnut and African Black wood Bell (need some practice on the bell making)



steven carter
09-22-2010, 10:59 AM

Very nice! Great grain alignment on the box. Great job on the candle, and nothing wrong with the bell, not turned english walnut, but yours sure looks nice.


Bernie Weishapl
09-22-2010, 11:29 AM
Great looking pieces Paul. I agree with the grain line up on the box.

Roger Chandler
09-22-2010, 11:49 AM

Paul Douglass
09-22-2010, 11:55 AM
P.S. Please give some critic here. I'm a fairly novice turner on anything but pens. For instance, the candle holder base should have been a little more dainty, the bell is out of proportion, the handle is too big for the size of the bell and the bell shape could be a lot better. The box I was pleased with, maybe more work on the finish.

But thanks for the nice comments.

Baxter Smith
09-22-2010, 12:33 PM
Other than the bell-which you would already like to change- look good to me! You could have made the base of the candleholder more dainty perhaps or the box more ornate, but they both have a pleasing shape, and are made out of some very pretty wood with a nice finish.

Allen Neighbors
09-22-2010, 1:46 PM
I just love that candle holder! I like the reverse ogee on the top, and the wood is just gorgeous! The soapstone really goes well with it. If you changed the base of it, like putting a little ogee on it, just to match the top, it would look nice, also, but I think it's beautiful, as it is. Maybe the base wouldn't look as large, if the angle of photography was slightly higher. :)
The box is very nice as it is, but you could have left the knob off, and it would still be nice. I like the spear in the center, to hold the rings. Nice touch.
The bell could have been made wider at the lip, which would make a nicer bell shape, but I think the handle is just fine - perfect for a bell handle.
Well done. :)

bob svoboda
09-22-2010, 2:08 PM
Other than the bell possibly being a bit small in relation to the handle, the pieces all look great. The candle holder looks very nice, and I think you would have as many love its solid look as would prefer a daintier form. I definitely agree you did a wonderful job lining up the (very nice) grain of the box. Good work.

John Keeton
09-22-2010, 2:22 PM
Paul, you have done some nice work on all of these. And, they are all rather original in design, so any comments that may be made would simply be the personal taste of the viewer.

You have made some comments on the bell, all of which I agree with for my taste. On the candle holder, the only possible change might be to have the top shelf for the candle somewhat thinner than the base - or vice versa, beef up the base a little. Actually the heavier look, I kind of like - just change the proportions a little so the mass is at the bottom.

Likin' that Delta?!?!?

David Woodruff
09-22-2010, 2:51 PM
Paul , You are having fun and with creativity. Don't know what lathe you have but I think it works. Eventually you will reach a point that suggests; I could do this if the lathe were just a smight better in some almost intangible characteristic This happens to us all, in different ways. If you have a passion for turning listen to those slight voices, they will suggest your path of creativity.

David Christopher
09-22-2010, 6:58 PM
Paul, I think all looks great....what kind of new lathe did you get ??

Paul Douglass
09-22-2010, 9:17 PM
Thank you all this is the kind of input I need.

As for the lathe here it is:


and by the way my wife found it today. I responded that it probably didn't cost me as much as all the worthless jewelry she bought while in Hawaii... and than the fight started..... 43 year and I still don't know when to keep my mouth shut!!!!!!

James Roberts
09-22-2010, 11:47 PM
If you're looking for a critic, well, I ain't that guy. I think all of the pieces are very nice, original and nicely tooled and finished. Really like the soapstone candle holder and the grain on the box is beautiful and matched up very well.