View Full Version : the show Parenthood an woodworking safety

Tom Hassad
09-22-2010, 1:40 AM
It bothered me so much tonight that they showed a character operating a dewalt miter saw without using safety glasses that I looked for ways to contact the show but could not find any. It irks me when TV or hollywood does not set an example to others about proper equipment usage. Most characters wear seatbelts in shows, they can wear safety glasses too but I know that detracts from the good looks they are paid to show off.

Drew Sanderson
09-22-2010, 3:50 PM
They dont use universal precautions properly on Grey's Anatomy either.

Jerome Hanby
09-22-2010, 4:01 PM
Well that settles it, I'm not hiring any TV stars to remodel my house or perform surgery :eek:

Matt Meiser
09-22-2010, 4:30 PM
I've seen people smoke on TV too :eek:

Steve Clardy
09-22-2010, 6:28 PM
And drink.......:rolleyes:

David Christopher
09-22-2010, 6:32 PM

Steve Griffin
09-22-2010, 8:42 PM
And 5 times more important than eye protection is using ear protection and dust mask, but these are less exciting injuries so we focus(literally) on the safety glasses...


David Weaver
09-22-2010, 10:01 PM
I've seen people smoke on TV too :eek:

Were any of the smokers doing so without filters? If so, that's really dangerous!

Greg Cuetara
09-22-2010, 10:06 PM
Tom maybe you should go back and watch the episode again. I believe the scene you are talking about happened at approx. 8 minutes into the show and the man made a concerted effort to have safety glasses on each time he used the saw.

Tom Hassad
09-23-2010, 1:40 AM
Tom maybe you should go back and watch the episode again. I believe the scene you are talking about happened at approx. 8 minutes into the show and the man made a concerted effort to have safety glasses on each time he used the saw.

I went back and watched and sure enough he had glasses. I did not see the whole scene, I heard the saw, turned and saw him blowing the dust off the board and assumed he had no glasses.

Instead, I saw something more troubling. When I watched the full scene the female character picks up the glue bottle and sniffs it. Poor role model. Also poor decision. I only sniff Elmer's.

John Coloccia
09-23-2010, 5:51 AM
I've seen people smoke on TV too :eek:

And drink.......:rolleyes:

"The drinking and smoking show". When I say that, everyone who enjoys it says, "That is NOT what that show is all about!", yet they all know EXACTLY what show I'm talking about.

Jim Rimmer
09-23-2010, 11:35 AM
"The drinking and smoking show". When I say that, everyone who enjoys it says, "That is NOT what that show is all about!", yet they all know EXACTLY what show I'm talking about.
I don't watch it but sounds like Madmen?

John Coloccia
09-23-2010, 11:44 AM
I watch zero TV. My wife watches exactly one show, and that's the one.

Wayne Hendrix
09-23-2010, 1:44 PM
Instead, I saw something more troubling. When I watched the full scene the female character picks up the glue bottle and sniffs it. Poor role model. Also poor decision. I only sniff Elmer's.

Such a terrible example, the only chemical that is approved for woodworkers to be sniffing is lacquer. :o hic ;)

David Weaver
09-23-2010, 1:59 PM
I watch zero TV. My wife watches exactly one show, and that's the one.

Well, hopefully she's not huffing glue now because of it :p Or using a saw without safety glasses.

Bryan Morgan
09-23-2010, 3:17 PM
I actually like when they aren't super safe/bubble wrapped on TV. It gives the nannies and mama hens something to complain about and maybe some day something bad will happen and we get to see fountains of blood and eyeballs hanging out, bone fragments, etc... THAT is a good safety lesson for anyone watching. :eek: Though I never watch TV for safety or life lessons, I usually watch shows for entertainment.......;)